11 Results

Spike Island
Laid-back acoustic with some dance-like-a-moron tunes you might not have heard. Presented by Mike: York's number one scruffy nerd.
The Mad Hatter's Tea Party

An hour of pure, unadulterated, auditory genius. #banter 


Revise with Will Batchelor, some chill tunes to get your nerdy vibes flowing.

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Do you enjoy everything nerdy, yeah me neither... I mean I love it! Tune in to get a small taste of the life of this computer science student, who definitely isn't helping the stereotype with this show.

Almost Educational

Join us as we chat for an hour about some new science news, some old science news, and some random other nerdy nonsense. Plus whatever vaguely related song we pull out the aether.

Remember to send us your comments, questions, and topics you want to hear via the website, text, or, if we're off-air, tweet @ury1350 with the hashtag #AlmostEdu

listen Jon headphones

James and Jon have a nice chat about music and nerd stuff and probably something silly

Sublime Rhymes

An hour of sublime rhymes delivered to your ears. Expect some old tunes and some new ones from established, and up and coming artists. This genre defying show is designed to introduce all music lovers to some of the best tracks out there (not an opinion, just facts). There will be fun facts and music nerdery along the way as I take your ears on a journey they will never forget.

What Cannon‽‽‽‽‽

Fion, Colin, James, Kory and Millie (maybe others), celebrate 60 years of Doctor Who and give many many opinions.

Would You Like A Jelly Baby?

Doctor Who is back!!! Join us in analysing the three 60th specials and having many opinions.

Since the Beginning

A show where two history nerds discuss history and play music. Different topics will be discussed every week.

Who's this nerd?

By popular demand (read as: nobody asked but he's doing it anyway), Sam has come back. Oh God. Why? Nobody asked for this. Send help. Send help. Please. Send help. (Also, who is he anyway?)

100 Questions Music:

"I Can Feel it Coming" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License