25 Results

Brown Boys

In this podcast, three British-Brown Boys discuss relevant issues, from culture to family to religion.

URY SPORT: College Cup Live Draw

URY Sport bring you the live draw for this year’s college vase and cup competitions ahead of their start in weeks 2 and 3 respectively.

Chats with Charlotte

Chats with Charlotte (and Co) is a informal show, where favourite tunes are shared, with some interesting conversations along the way. Requests are always welcomed and so is listener participation!

The Last Taboo: Sexual Violence Awareness Week Hour

The co-founders of The Last Taboo take you through an hour of information and education on the topic of sexual violence as part of Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2021. 

URY LIVE AT 5: The World According to Big Ben
Music from all over; weekly topic specials; live guests and music; sorting out the issues while we still know it all. You can expect pretty much everything on this show; tastes in tracks from indie to electro, alternative to pop classics. Special guests on our hot topics join Ben and the crew for live debates, live music and interviews, competitions and features such as the ever popular 'Random Track', 'Stupid American News', weekly appeals, and the legendary 'Fresher Divert'...
URY BREAKFAST: Tunes on a Spoon
The timings right and the rhymes are tight. Join Tom and Lewis for bangin breakfast banter, original jingles and fantastic features with a lovely injection of urban and hiphop tunes. Brand new features, more insane interviews with the likes of artists such as Beardyman, and more of those classic tunes you can't live without!.
Josh And The Odd Guest

Mix Mash of anything! Guests coming down to chat and share their love of music and topics of discussion.

URY Brunch: The Saturday Lie-In

James Brookes gives you the best start to the weekend.  A light hearted look at the morning papers, fascinating facts and the latest new music.

Ultimate Recipe For Madness
Music from the four (or more) corners of my music collection.
Just Turn It Off Already! Spring 2021

Its the end of term, so come along and enjoy while The Man (read as 'Ofcom') tries to (read as 'tells us to') shut us down (read as 'not broadcast outside our allowed period')!


Plastic People

A Vinyl-Only music show, filled with tracks from our personal collections and what we find crate-digging in the UoY vaults, with possible attempts at wit between songs.

'The New World Order' by Ben Jeapes. Part 2: 1651
niversity Radio York's national award winning team presents our most ambitious drama to date, which sees the English Civil war turned on its head when a third force enters the battle in this alternative history thriller. Six years have past since the events of Part 1 and an uneasy peace has been agreed. But with the arrival of The Dommonel and missionaries from Golekh englands peace stands on a knife edge. Based on the acclaimed novel and available to hear worldwide at www.ury.org.uk, with two feature length Episodes over two consecutive weeks!
Freshers Fair
URY live from the heart of Freshers Fair in the Physics Concourse. Come find out more about your station. There's CDs to give away courtesy of CD-WOW! and the infamous URY goodies.
Sunday Service Breakfast Broadcast

University Radio York's flagship Sunday morning show. (for a small amount of time)

I played some quiet jazzy songs.

But I got bored of the idea when I realised that having the Sunday morning slot wasn't very impressive even if it was quite funny.

And also I was half awake.

Very nice life experience being forced to talk into a microphone in an empty room :)

I should probably listen back to these to make sure these audio clips don't cancel me but... for the most part, I trust that my that my younger self wouldn't get cancelled.

Feel free to listen back to these shows but I warn you- they're bad.

URY Brunch with Hannah: Bangers and Banter

Hannah brings you bangin’ tunes and banter for you to start your day with a smile on your face. With special features such as “Sibling Wars”, “Are you in or are you out of bed?” and “Poo On The Shoe” Hannah (and the occasional special guest) should have you out of bed and ready to start your day in no time.

URY Evening Selection: Wednesday

WK24: The Shipping Forecast

William King is rounding off three years of student radio with 24 hours of non-stop broadcasting. Sailors picking up URY probably have something wrong with their radio, but they can consider this hour a public service.

R&B Weekly

Your weekly fix of old and new R&B alongside short discussions on R&B related news. 

Hannah's Cacophonic Hour
Hannah and a bustle of passionate guests expound on life's greatest mysteries and play undiscovered music adhering to a different theme each week. Disclaimer: the term 'Cacophonic' is subjective.
Radio is Ded

And we killed it.

URY Brunch: The Girl Power Hour(s)

Unlike Beyoncé, we make our own content. Join us as we exercise our contractual right to a maximum of 2 Beyoncé songs in an hour, plus as may features as we can find.

a very specific radio show

songs that fit a different theme every week, depending on the specific feeling i want to convey. some themes might include: homesickness, change, the ruins of love, pancakes and syrup, the freedom of singing loudly in the car, yearning, what a teenage summer feels like, self love, anger, and pride. basically i like words and i like songs.

Listen To What ISA
Exploring the World in York. The University of York's International Students' Association discovers the diversity of culture, lifestyle and music found on Campus.
POP Senior!

Garry and James unlock core memories while going through the tracklist of a LEGENDARY 2005 CD called pop jr.

The Hep Cat Radio Hour

Urban Dictionary defines the term 'Hep Cat' as being: a musical cat who can hang and fit in with other cats that can jive. Making a show for those eclectic hep cats is what we plan to do here. Strictly for musical cats, not necessarily of the feline variety.