4 Results

The URY Panto 2013: Aladdin

Join all of your favourite URY presenters as they star in URY's very own take on the classic pantomime Aladdin. Expect singing, dancing, a dame, a lamp, a monkey, lots of ridiculous accents and a few jokes thrown in for good measure. And, of course, an appearance from our very special celebrity guest...JON LEE FROM S CLUB 7! 

The URY Pantomime 2014: Dick Whittington


The URY Pantomime 2015: Oliver Twist

The URY Panto this year, which can be revealed as Oliver Twist, or should I say we are going to put our Twist on Oliver Twist. (No the jokes don't get better from here)

Written by: Alex Light, Imogen Fodor and Georgie Norgate, Andy Durant and Naomi Gildert, Katy Eloise, Stephen Clarke and Adam Brain, Rebecca Saw, Cat Saove and Peter Rogers

Voice Actors: Katy Eloise, Qumarth Jash, Henry Partridge, Alex Light, Peter Rogers, Stephen Clarke, Andy Durant, Adam Brain, Rebecca Saw, Imogen Fodor, Mat Carrington-Mackenzie and Nick Upton

Directed and Produced by Joseph Willis

The URY Pantomime 2016: Beauty and the Beast

This year, URY takes on the classic tale of Beauty and the Beast by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, adding their own unique spin, awful jokes and all-round silliness. Narrated by Special Celebrity Guest Gareth Jones from How 2, Tommorow's World and Gareth Jones on Speed. Join us, then as we give you the best Pantomime you'll hear this year. Oh no you won't, oh yes we will!

Written by Joseph Willis (Narration and Plot), Adam Brain and Stephen Clarke (Scene 1) , Naomi Gildert (Scene 2), Chris Taylor and Kaja Harton (Scene 3), Will Matlock (Scene 4), Danni Boxall (Scene 5), Beth Prior and Georgie Norgate (Scene 6), Peter Rogers (Scene 7)