It's lockdown, it's midnight, and a masked vigilante is standing on a stool in a server room - it can only be one thing, the return of URY for Summer Term 2021! Tune in to hear what it sounds like when increasingly tired and stressed presenters dally about on air for a couple of hours, and see how long it takes us to start crying about Summer exams.
Track | Artist | Time |
Boilermaker | Royal Blood | 00:04 |
4AM | Son of Cabe ft. EMIA | 00:10 |
All I Ever Wanted | Basshunter | 00:23 |
Daddy's Gone For Cigarettes | Trunky Juno | 00:31 |
Same Old | Enny | 00:38 |
My Heart Will Go On | DragonForce | 00:44 |
One + One | Death From Above 1979 | 00:52 |
Closer | Nine Inch Nails | 01:02 |
The Selfish Giant | Damon Albarn | 01:14 |
Say Hello | Fuzz | 01:20 |
Leave The Door Open | Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak, Silk Sonic | 01:27 |
Face To Face / Short Circuit | Daft Punk | 01:35 |
Je me casse | Destiny | 01:40 |
God Is In The Rhythm | King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard | 01:45 |