URY On Tap: Listen Again

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The DAndy Lie-In Logo
Duration: 2 Hours

The DAndy Lie-In

Monday, 6 Nov 2006 - 14:00


Utterly unecessary yet brilliantly bizarre - the 'Late Breakfast' returns. We've accepted that we're never going to make prime time, but we'll be damned if it'll bring us down! The Late Breakfast is a mixture of killer tunes (when we figure out how to play them) with cutting-edge dialogue to match. We like to think we're funny, but we're fully prepared to accept we're not. Packed full of wacky guests and pointless featurettes, there is no stone we leave unturned, no bird un...stoned and, well you get the idea. Bottom line - we're fun, eclectic with a serious love of all kinds of music thrown in! If that isn't enough, we have our very own Leprechaun - beat that.




No tracklisting currently available.