8 Results

Circulation Magazine Show

The best in new music from Circulation Magazine - the only dedicated music magazine on campus. Hosted by Dan Wynn and Oli Mangham with Circulation team members every week. 

Wynn's Disaster Show

Welcome to Wynn's first show. It's happening and it will be a mess. But a fun one at that!

The Show-cial

Wynn is the URY Social Sec. Join them for the Show-cial before the social. Get ready for a night out (or in) with whatever tunes that Wynn could get recommended from their friends.

Breakfast: 8 Wynn the Morning

Hi!! I'm Wynn and welcome to my Breakfast show, except that one time when it isn't a breakfast show. So I'm not sure what I'm doing, but come join me in the chaos so I'm not alone.

Having a Chat with Wynn and Matt

A show with me, Wynn Crawshaw chatting to Matt Rogan! It'll be a jolly good time.

12 Wynn the Afternoon

I'm here at a different time but bring you the same sort of music I usually play. Make sure to send me your requests!

Results Day 2022: 8 Wynn the Morning

Hi!! I'm Wynn (they/them), URY Assistant Station Manager and Social Secretary. And this is 8 Wynn the Morning - A-Level Results Day Special!

Join me this morning for some music before you go to collect them all important results.

8 Wynn the Morning - A Christmas Special

Join me for a breakfast show filled with Christmas Cheer!