A show by a fangirl, for fangirls! combining stories of feminist activism, pop culture and music; Fangirl Feels is about how great Fangirls are, and the music they [I] enjoy! Get ready to fall in love with One Direction.... [I promise I wont only play One Direction......]
Spill the tea! Tune in for an hour of queerness. We will be discussing LGBTQ+ issues and be playing music that will taken you back to a Soho nightclub!
To celebrate Pride month we will talk about queerness, what pride means to us and play some funky lgbt+ themed music!
Join Melissa Smethurst and Emma Jackson as they chat about all things LGBTQ+, spilling so much tea on the stereotypes, misconceptions and sharing a few ridiculous stories of their own (sometimes featuring special guests)
Follow us on instagram! @emmaajacksonn @mel_iss_a___