The sky is blue, the sun is shining, and you'd be able to see both really well if it wasn't so gosh darn cloudy - It's Friday Morning, and Welcome Week is drawing to a close. But what's it been like from a Fresher's perspective? Join Alex Towells and honest-to-goodness Fresher Scarlet Desorgher for a look back on Welcome week and a look forward to a year of university that's going to be full of new experiences for everyone...
The sky is blue, the sun is shining, and you'd be able to see both really well if it wasn't so gosh darn cloudy - It's Friday Morning, and the week is drawing to a close. Join Scarlet Desorgher, Claudia Milani and Alex Towells for a look back on the week, the weather and the quality of the tea they made that morning.