7 Results

Sitting in a Room
Expect to hear new, challenging and beautiful songs/non-songs. A wide range of styles, including non-mainstream areas of electronica, rock, pop, avant-garde, sound poetry, jazz, world, drone, noise and anything in between.
URY SPEECH: Sitting Ducks

A one-off satirical comedy that takes a closer look at a campus of ducks which bears a striking resemblence to the University of York.

A Duck-umentary not to be missed.

Sitting Ducks: The Flappening

Sequel to award-winning student satire Sitting Ducks!

Results Day 2020: Breakfast

This results day from 7 am to midnight, URY will be broadcasting LIVE coverage as people receive their A-Level results across the country. With fresh content specifically aimed at the University of York's offer holders and those on the clearing lines, tune in for a day of top (available) presenters giving you the true York experience.... or Yorexpirence... Don't worry, you'll hear worse “Yor-” puns than that. We hope.

Join Matt, JK and Isaac on the early shift as the initial figures come through. If you’re sitting by your computer waiting for the results to come through UCAS, tune in! We’ve got 2 hours of interviews, news analysis and top URY content to take you through to 9am.

URY Drivetime

Join JK for an hour of tunes to keep you company. If you’re driving, walking or just sitting at home we have some smashing tunes that’ll make you outsing your radio!


This results day from 7 am to midnight, URY will be broadcasting LIVE coverage as people receive their A-Level results across the country. With fresh content specifically aimed at the University of York's offer holders and those on the clearing lines, tune in for a day of top (available) presenters giving you the true York experience.... or Yor-xperience... (don't worry, you'll get used to all the “Yor-” puns)

Sitting Around Wasting Time

Earlier I was doing some revision, but then I decided to do a show, because it's more fun and interesting. So that's where we are now.

Listen Off Headphones

James, Jon and other people if there schedule allows it but like if it doesn't we'll still do it but there will be less people. These people will do a radio show with the explicit purpose of not being as good as their other very high brow super music focused music show, Lizard on Chairphones.