7 Results

Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them

General chit chat on the latest news, current affairs and gossip. Informal show with lots of good music!


Name of the show courtesy of Mr Will Batchelor 

Breakfast Batch

Join Will Batchelor as he starts your day with a yawn, questioning why on a day where he could have a lie in he chose to do a breakfast show.  Get going with some up beat bangers to try and make you leave the comfort of your bed and got on with another day of life.

Josh Dickenson - Yes Man

Josh Dickenson, a man with no moral compass and a complete lack of self worth has chosen to put himself to the test.  Each episode Will Batchelor will set a new challenge for Josh.  There are no limits.  There are no boundaries.  There is no saying no!

URY:PM - The Conti2uity Hour

National Award Winning Will Batchelor along with Neave Spikings & Sam Merryweather bring you TWO WHOLE HOURS of quality enterntainment radio... There will be games, there will be songs and there will most definitley be arguments!

The Many Voices of Will Batchelor

Join Will Batchelor with Will Batchelor and a selection of special guests including national award winning Will Batchelor. 

Will Batchelor

Join will for radio


Revise with Will Batchelor, some chill tunes to get your nerdy vibes flowing.