You might think we've already turned the transmitter on, considering we made a big song and dance about it at the start of the month, and have been doing shows from the Move-In Days over the weekend. Well, you'd be correct - but we have more than one transmitter now, so there's still one big (small) red (silver?) button (key) to push (turn)! Come and join us as we celebrate broadcasting on AM for the 53rd year running!
Track | Artist | Time |
Hey Ya! | Outkast | 08:02 |
I Don't Feel Like Dancin' | Scissor Sisters | 08:09 |
Bohemian Like You | The Dandy Warhols | 08:14 |
Here Comes the Sun | The Beatles | 08:26 |
Think About Things | Daði Freyr | 08:29 |
Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) | Post Malone & Swae Lee | 08:38 |
Year 3000 | Busted | 08:41 |
Not Nineteen Forever | The Courteeners | 08:48 |
Public Service Announcement | The Bravery | 08:51 |
I'm Sleepin' In | King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard | 08:57 |
I Predict a Riot | Kaiser Chiefs | 09:05 |
Somebody Told Me | The Killers | 09:09 |
It's Raining Men | The Weather Girls | 09:16 |
Rainbow Connection (From "The Muppet Movie"/Soundtrack Version) | Kermit | 09:20 |
The Fourth Colour | King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard | 09:27 |
My Sharona | The Knack | 09:41 |
She's So Lovely | Scouting for Girls | 09:49 |
Typhoons | Royal Blood | 09:53 |