Studio clock

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The studio clock is a rather important piece of equipment that not only tells you the time, but also other important information.

Why is the studio clock important?

The studio clock is the authoritative reference for time in URY; your show starts and ends are defined relative to whatever the studio clock is saying (when it's working).

In addition, the clock is the first port of call for quite a lot of useful information, primarily silence detection and news cues, which produce alerts on the studio clock when you need to deal with them.

Studio Clock Locations

There are three studio clocks as of writing:

Clock Software


A labelled outline of the Timelord screen.

The current studio clock system was written by Lloyd Wallis in 2011ish as a massive improvement over previous trials using xclock or something like that. It has some pretty cool features:

  • Mic Live timer (temperamental);
  • News cues;
  • Silence detection integration;
  • Current and 2x upcoming show display;
  • Studio selector integration;
  • Date;
  • Emergency message system;
  • Christmas support;
  • More black and less graphics than most studio clocks;
  • Tells the time.