6 Results

Alcuin Amplified
This is a unique radio show brought to you by the Vice Chair Welfare of Alcuin College. Katherine Turner is here to help! We want YOU to phone in for a chat, we welcome dilemmas, decision and deliberations on everything welfare. Happy, unhappy, anxious, anxious to party, prepared, unprepared - we want to here from you. Acting as an on air surgery for all your worries and concerns with general College Life. We're here to hear.
Bob's Welfare Hour
YUSU Welfare Officer, Bob Hughes, will be discussing some of the big issues affecting students, with guests talking about the events and support offer
The Welfare show
Does what it says on the tin - a slot for all your (loosely) welfare based questions, thoughts and insights... Mandatory hangover-beating tips + tunes.
Your:Support Live
URY's answer to Dr. Frasier Crane. YUSU's Academic & Welfare Officer chats about student life and does her best to answer YOUR questions - 'phone, text or email about housing, money, safe sex, mental health or whatever's on your mind...
Summer of Love live from The Courtyard

Roses are red violets are blue University Radio York has got a plate of loving just for you! 

Join ((URY)) outside The Courtyard, as we present Summer of Love 2013. With live acoustic sets, hopefully some sun, and plenty of Pimms, we're going to get all loved up. We'll be talking about everything from mind, body, and spirit, to STIs, and what you can do if you're worried about anything of that nature. Our live coverage starts at Midday, at ury.org.uk

Featuring sets from Alice O,  Zac Pajak and chessey chalk on demand. Guests including head of welfare Bob Hughes!


It is Shag week! Join Chess Warren and Derwent Heads of Welfare in an evening of music and questions about sexual health.