8 Results

The URY Football Show
James Tompkinson and guests bring you your weekly football fix on The URY Football Show! Tune in for high quality football chat and great music!

Topical talk show. Yorworld features interviews and opinions from York University campus as well as special guests in the studio.

Soccer FM

Football-based talk show. Three Langwith legends reflect on all things Premier League, mixed in with some of your favourite throwbacks and chart bangers.

Making a researcher

A talk show aimed to promote interdisciplinary communication, encourage research communication and public engagement among Phd students and researchers in Higher Education UK (or anyone who is interested in becoming a researcher/academia basically).


Sextended is a taboo tackling talk show, brand new for this academic year.


A wonderful taboo-busting hour, stay tuned and message in to tell us your views each episode...


A friendly talk show about basically whatever is on my mind. Will feature a rotating cast of guest presenters and one-off interviewees from the world of "student politics". Likely topics are;

I'm not entirely sure as to what it would be fully, but I will plan every episode extensively. I wouldn't want it to be anymore than an hour. It migth be crap, but I would quite like to try something new. Possible music genres include;

Whatever takes the fancy really. I know this is a really wooly pitch, but would just like an outlet to explore a 

I'm also really unsure on the title, so any suggestion would be welcome.

Taboo Talk Thursdays!

Welcome to Taboo Talk Thursdays! The Last Taboo York is a non profit that fights against sexual violence and gender discrimination, we are super excited to be working with URY to bring you a talk show! Each week will will be addressing some of the taboos we will highlight on Tuesdays on our instagram. Thursdays we have our live radio show! Tune in each week with a different comittee members and a new guest each week to discuss what should be a last taboo!  

A Normal Show interrupted by Metal Pipe Falling Sound Effect at Random Intervals [1 Hour]

A Normal Show interrupted by Metal Pipe Falling Sound Effect at Random Intervals [1 Hour]