5 Results

Numi Now

Playing you upbeat tunes to beat quarantine blues.

PM: V(irtual) Bar Jazz Night

What with isolation and everyone being so far away from one another, there are many things people might miss. Glasshouse Karaoke, the sport socials and the performance society shows. But what I miss most is Jazz Night at V Bar. So, what can we do? Join me, Joe Spence, for two hours of Sunday Night music to get through you this time in quarantine. We might even have a few live quiz questions throughout to keep you on your toes, and the best bit is... the music is chosen by YOU!! Tune in and be transported to the V(irtual) Bar. 

Alumni Shows: Ell's CD Soundsystem

URY Alumni Elliott returns for a special season of Ell's CD Soundsystem, inviting friends for quarantine chats and music selections.



Welcome to the debut of Quarantine Festival! An online music festival hosted by URY and Bandsoc, bringing you amazing musical talent from the University of York and across the country.


The Q stands for Quarantine

Q does a hopefully one-off show from webstudio mid-quarantine to try not to go insane