7 Results

An Hour with Grumpy Jim
An interesting show, in which a gentlemen known only as Grumpy Jim gives his typically pessimistic views on the world around him. Jim discusses everything from politics to sport, from Amy Winehouse to Linsay Lohan and from Glasgow to York, which coincidentally is the train he's supposedly getting. A highly amusing hour of poor quizes, poor news, interesting songs and a running commentary of the whole lot.
Tim's Trad. Jazz
A gentle afternoon stroll through this underappreciated genre.
An interesting show, in which a gentlemen known only as Grumpy Jim gives his typically pessimistic views on the world around him. Jim discusses everything from politics to sport, from Amy Winehouse to Linsay Lohan and from Glasgow to York, which coincidentally is the train he's supposedly getting. A highly amusing hour of poor quizes, poor news, interesting songs and a running commentary of the whole lot.
Around the World in 8ish Tracks

Eccentric gentleman Liam Roden and exasperated valet Brad Entwistle attempt to circumnavigate the globe in roughly 8 tracks, hopping from country to country and playing a song from each location. Tune in to hear an eclectic range of music from all over the world!

Katy Sandalls is back in town!

Katy Sandalls left URY and York for Sheffield last year, we all miss her terribly - and now she is back! Ladies and gentleman, tune in to 1350AM for a special show with Katy bringing the news from the far away lands, stories of the URY alumni and lots of fun!

Into the Ether

It's Sunday night, and Eloise can't sleep. Join in as she picks a topic to ramble about in the late hours, with some gentle acoustic tunes to drift off to.


A cosy bedtime show hosted by Teddy (the titular bear), featuring gentle music and a little chatter to help you unwind and get ready for bed.