3 Results

The Big Fat Wood E Farewell

The time has come for the members of Wood E to say farewell, and move on to more expensive housing next year. Join most members of the most iconic house in the most iconic college (up the fax), as well as a random bloke we picked up outside James College, who will not leave us alone...help. 

We will reflect upon the ups and downs, the Flares shenanigans, the Guinness guzzling, the GARRYs, the late night karaoke and the thing that brought around 72% of us together...URY. 

Make sure not to miss it, it will be an emotional one.


GARRYY's Greatest Hits

GARRYY, Gawwy or to some people, Harry has, in his opinion at least, an excellent taste in music and it would be a disservice to the world to not obnoxiously blast it across the airwaves. That's where this show comes in. GARRY's Greatest Hits will be playing exclusively bangers for the enjoyment of your ears.

POP Senior!

Garry and James unlock core memories while going through the tracklist of a LEGENDARY 2005 CD called pop jr.