Describe the weeks events using song title and lyrics
You told yourself that you’re not going out tonight. You are up for some quiet drinks though. Grab your mates, your bevs and lock in to “Quiet Drinks”, the pickup you need to get the party started. DJ Moneyman brings you a mix of the best party tunes, from dance and disco to cheese and floor fillers. After this power hour with York’s Clubber of the Year, you know it’s going to be a big one!
It's early, I'm probably knackered from work, and now it's time to do a music. However, due to popular demand by people who are never going to listen, this music must be.... modern.... .... The horror is real. Join me for another hour of fake enthusiasm, rants about things I find on twitter and occasional thoughts about whether I should order in Pizza.
It's mostly for my sake.
I've just finished watching this Morning with whatever Phil and Holly are called these days. But we've got a whole bunch of hours of pretending we're a professional radio station staying awake for a long time to do.
So I'm doing the boring daytime slot.... Woo....
Join your hosts Ollie and Co. as URY winds down for the Easter break. Music, games, and a whole lot of filler guaranteed.