6 Results

Eclectic Electric
Back once again like a renegade master. It's the show to end all shows, playing everything and anything. Well maybe not anything. But most things and certainly all good things. Turn on, tune in but maybe don't drop out.
The moth in The Amp.
Just playing great music. A cabal of singles, B-sides and filler tracks that have no business being played one after the other. And, occassionally some indie you almost certainly have not heard.
The Moth in The Amp.
Just playing great music. A cabal of singles, B-sides and filler tracks that have no business being played one after the other. And, occassionally some indie you almost certainly have not heard.
Fiction Burn

Can't sleep? Neither can we,  so we've got a story for you that'll have you nodding of in seconds! It's amazing,  even our campus renowned program controller Naomi certainly thinks so... "yeah,  whatever.  Everyone will be asleep anyway" 

PM: Hometime with Towells

Hi! I'm Towells. I'm currently self-isolating, because I was in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. So, what better to do than to resurrect my old show about being at home? Join me for two hours of trying not to get FOMO too bad.


Is Dizzy going to do a consistent show this term? Who knows! But they're certainly doing one now. Join me as I procrastinate my responsibilities by sharing (read: inflicting) my questionable music taste with anyone who wishes to join me.

Expect music ranging from musical theatre to pop punk and anything in between; the one thing I can guarantee is no consistency!