8 Results

Audio Attack!
Lots of different genres of music will be played including 'metal' and 'nice stuff' (that's a genre now I think). Chatting too. Fun, yeah? Yeah.
URY Evening Selection: Sam & Mark
Like a stunning compilation tape compiled by Tony Blackburn, this show cannot be turned off. Occasional guest presenters include campus celebrities James Framp and Toby Green. Regular features include Album of the Month, Snack Attack and Interview with a Campfire.
Moby Dick Attacks The West Country Holiday Train: The Waldorf and Statler of URY return after 40 years

URY alums Kim Scudamore and Richard Pilkington return to the airwaves after a 40 year hiatus. They'll be bringing you a show full of nostalgia, classic music and umming and ahhing as they work out how the new technology works.

Alex and Jack's Heart Attack

Alex and Jack abuse people who think they are BNOCs. In a fairly inoffensive way.

Night Time Tales for Your Halloween Trails

Yet again, the spooky, kooky, Suzuki (no endorsement) night of Hallo'weenie is apon us.


The URY Speech Team is going to narrate your night of trick'n'treating with many haunting stories.


If you have a heart attack due to any story due to this show we are not liable, but also want to hear about it, cus damn son...

The CD Collection

Lorna plays a mixture of her favourtite music, from rock to psychadelic, classical to blues, funk to folk - and everywhere in between! Artists include The Cure, Massive Attack, Primal Scream, Morcheeba and many more! 

The CD Collection (week commencing 4th Nov)

Lorna plays a mixture of her favourtite music, from rock to psychadelic, classical to blues, funk to folk - and everywhere in between! Artists include The Cure, Massive Attack, Primal Scream, Morcheeba and many more! 

Born to Run

Lorna reflects on the expereince of running 254 miles for the charity "Mind over Mountains". Highlights of the challenge wil be discussed, from severe weather, mud, hills, to the indiviuals who supported her along the way. She will also share other people's running experiences, asking why the sport is important to so many people. The songs she listened to during her chlannge will also be played.