Its time to relive the early 2000s with URY Alumnus Phil Pollard!
Former preswnter of URY's flagship new music show "The Vibe", Phil will be looking back to see if his predictions of bands that would make it big! He will also be bringing back aspects of his show "Uncovered" and we may even see the return of the classic "Evening Selection" quiz URY Re-wind!
Comprising an alumnus called Mike, and a box of records, each week Mikebox adequately fills the space between the 11am and midday News. Featuring a look at the Sunday papers.
11:58 Shipping Forecast
As the academic year twenty-twenty-twenty-twenty-one draws to a merciful close, join alumnus Mike Bond as he reminisces about what things were like in His Day. Including highlights from his 24 Hour Marathon show from 1987 when URY was still in mono and played vinyl records. See? He's off already.
(Recorded in February)
17:58 Shipping Forecast
Ahead of The Big Switch-Off next weekend, a URY alumnus almost as old as URY itself takes the AM transmitter for one last spin around the Blocks, with some carefully chosen topical music.
Contains long words.
17:58 Shipping Forecast