4 Results

URY Breakfast presents - The Claire and Will Show
The best wake-up call on campus. We plan to provide perfect morning entertainment with a mixture of chart music and old favourites. Our competitions ('get in the horn'/'open the door millie') give all listeners a chance to win big prizes.
URY Breakfast with Dave Williams
The show that aims to get your Thursday morning started in style. Top-quality wake-up records, a chance for you to share your views on the news of the day...oh, and some random features too.
Breakfast: Alarm's Set Too Early

Join me as I regret waking up just before the show, in an attempt to persuade myself that I'll have a productive day by doing an early show beforehand!

The URY Wake Up Call

Hey! Yeah, you! Come on, you've got that 9am to get to! Oh alright then, I'll play some songs that'll get you through it

Tune in to URY Breakfast and the Wake Up Call!

Join me as I'll play the tunes to help you get moving, get your mind working and get you over that hill, whether mentally or that big physical hill you on the way into campus. You'll also get all the info you need to know what's coming up in the day ahead.