5 Results
Radio haven with the Duke and the Raven. Steve (Duke, indie) and Tarun (Raven, hip-hop) champion their respective conflicting musical tastes and argue about anything else that surfaces in the process.
Two rock 'n' rolling gals, your new best pals, bringing the good days back, track by track! So if you want to move your feet tune into our beats, for the all-new, drape-shape, hep-hopped-up and swinging like a gate rock 'n' roll radio show on your very own URY! Plant ya now, dig ya later...
An exploration of music, with the aim to introduce a myriad of songs to people who didn't know they needed to listen to them!
Unlike Beyoncé, we make our own content. Join us as we exercise our contractual right to a maximum of 2 Beyoncé songs in an hour, plus as may features as we can find.
A mix of new music releases from that week and some old favourites that have resurfaced.