6 Results

Northern Soul
A show dedicated to playing sounds from Northern Bands and occasionally songs from foreign artists that have a northern sound to them
Goodbye Term One

Its almost Christmas so expect a few cheesy Christmas songs appearing, but also some band music from The Courtneers and Artic Monkeys along with a few old classics. I will be talking about the good and bad things which have occured throughout term one (mainly good!), the highlights and lowlights, and also what people are looking forward to next term! (More nights out, drinking and hopefully some sun shine towards the end). Possible interview from two friends hearing their favourite parts of term one and hearing about if they have learnt anything this term which they will not be doing next term.. spending all your loan in the first few weeks for instance. 

Musical Odyssey

The show will be discussing interesting evets that have occured within the press, tabloids and political sphere. It is really a way to inspire people to be more open with their views - and be able to share them without receiving judgement on their beliefs. 

These little talks will be filled with bursts of music of all genres - ranging from the effortless glamour of Lana Del Rey to the psychedelic music of Arctic Monkeys. I have quite a wide range of preferences and there will most definetly be something for everyone!!!



Just a few Indie tunes and a bit of a chat, really.   

The Indie Hour

An hour filled with the best in modern indie, aswell as some absolute classics. Featuring music from bands such as The Wombats, The Hunna, Catfish and The Bottlemen, Arctic Monkeys and Oasis.

URY Music: V's Hammer Tunes