25 Results

URY LIVE AT 5: The World According to Big Ben
Music from all over; weekly topic specials; live guests and music; sorting out the issues while we still know it all. You can expect pretty much everything on this show; tastes in tracks from indie to electro, alternative to pop classics. Special guests on our hot topics join Ben and the crew for live debates, live music and interviews, competitions and features such as the ever popular 'Random Track', 'Stupid American News', weekly appeals, and the legendary 'Fresher Divert'...
Tracks for Today

Join William King for an hour of music reflecting on the day just gone.

As well as bringing you hits from the past we keep up-to-date by chatting through recent events from around the world and playing the tracks that we feel fit.

Risky Disco: The Warm up to Tokyo
If you're heading out tonight then this is the only show you need to hear! Exclusive offers, and music from chart to cheese!
Warmup to Woodstock: Tom and Toast's 24hr Takeover
A dozen live bands in the URY studios, interviews from around the world, and guests in the studio come together for this Week 9 24-hour Warmup to Woodstock marathon, all in aid of York RAG.
URY Speech Presents: Culture Show

Tune in to our show all about culture in York and Yorkshire! If you're stuck for things to do in York or a newbie to the area, then this is the place for you.

Whether you're interested in food, drink, art, museums etc. give the show a cheeky listen. 

'The New World Order' by Ben Jeapes. Part 2: 1651
niversity Radio York's national award winning team presents our most ambitious drama to date, which sees the English Civil war turned on its head when a third force enters the battle in this alternative history thriller. Six years have past since the events of Part 1 and an uneasy peace has been agreed. But with the arrival of The Dommonel and missionaries from Golekh englands peace stands on a knife edge. Based on the acclaimed novel and available to hear worldwide at www.ury.org.uk, with two feature length Episodes over two consecutive weeks!
Old Soul

Welcome to Old Soul! This show features all the music I (Kiera) love — my fave oldies, pop music and songs I grew up listening to. If you've ever been told that your taste in music lives in the past, this show is for you!

Join me for some great tunes, with a bit of gossip about life and pop culture along the way <3

Sunday Service Breakfast Broadcast

University Radio York's flagship Sunday morning show. (for a small amount of time)

I played some quiet jazzy songs.

But I got bored of the idea when I realised that having the Sunday morning slot wasn't very impressive even if it was quite funny.

And also I was half awake.

Very nice life experience being forced to talk into a microphone in an empty room :)

I should probably listen back to these to make sure these audio clips don't cancel me but... for the most part, I trust that my that my younger self wouldn't get cancelled.

Feel free to listen back to these shows but I warn you- they're bad.

Arctic News

Q: Where can you find an ocean without any water?
A: On a map! 

I solemnly swear it won't be as stupid as this joke. 

WK24: The Shipping Forecast

William King is rounding off three years of student radio with 24 hours of non-stop broadcasting. Sailors picking up URY probably have something wrong with their radio, but they can consider this hour a public service.

Best of Bandcamp

A show devoted to the finding of good quality, free music from the website bandcamp. If you enjoy music, but have little money and a clean consience then this is the show for you. After each show i will post the links to find each song i play, and the album it came from, completely free. 


LET'S PLAY A GAME: Guess today’s bands by their musical ancestors! We play music from bands/artists that have inspired this weeks chosen band... and you try guess who they are. Get it right? you choose next weeks band! 

Eurovision 2021: URY's Picks

Join us as we argue for our favourites in this years Eurovision Song Competition 2021. There will be music, debate, and some ESC throwbacks. Let us know who you think is douze points in this post-hiatus epic, text on 07851 101 313, or message via the website.

Good Morning York!

Wake up and join Kory for a auditory morning pick up to get you going, hopefully one they'll arrive on time for more this time around.

Show? Show.

Yes, this is a show.

Matt Windsor's Almost Definitely Last Ever Show, Probably

Exactly what it says on the tin.

Not that radio shows come in tins.

But this one does, and it's a three decade old salted pork tin full of what will probably be recent London migrant and soon-to-be-former PhD student Matt Windsor's last ever show on URY before he finally stops being a student.  Expect pretty much everything that can be expected from a washed up student radio DJ that was once referred to as URY's answer to Alan Partridge: an hour of awkward gaps between songs, awkward songs between gaps, and attempts to draw a close on 8ish years of somehow repeatedly being scheduled for shows despite having the radio nous of a loofah.  Does anyone still use loofahs?

Waldorf and Statler another 50 years

Will you still love us when we're 64? Richard and Kim did their last student URY show in June 1976.  This show will be hair raising if they had any left.

Freshen Up for Freshers' Fair

It's that time of the year again - there'll be one stall giving out bags for some reason, so make sure you grab the bag for all the other random freebies you get from stalls you pretend to be interested in just to get the pens.

Freshers' Fair 2021 is nearly upon us - join me as we build up to it with some great music and chat!

Mike Wallbank's Rockabilly Riot!

A show to turn even the lamest of squares into far-out foot tappers.

Over the course of the show, extreme levels of rockabilly will be pumped through the airwaves of URY, from Elvis Presley to The Big Bopper, all with the intention of providing maximum satisfaction.

The show will consist of anecdotes relating to the music in question, explorations into the popular themes and concepts of rockabilly/rock 'n' roll (such as a show dedicated to 'Death Discs'), as well as interviews with individuals who remember watching the rock 'n' roll stars of the 1950s in their heyday. Playing the big hits of the 1950s, as well as with the secret 7" golddust that's been hiding in the attic, this show will provide a roster of early rock 'n' roll and rockabilly that will make you want to turn your fringe into a quiff, your Volkswagen into a Cadillac, and your Carling into a Cherry Coke.

this is not the best show in the world

this is just a tribute

Alumni Shows: Darkside of the 80s - 90s

Playing music from the leftfield side of 70's 80s & 90s, for the final show of the term Stewart explores highlights of the NME Top 100 Albums, originally broadcast on URY in 1990.

Half Asleep

An hour of music where we try to remain conscious and escape a feeling of absolute boredom, held together simply by the suggestion of thematic consistency. Volume ranges from questionably high to regulation low and somehow sustains this throughout the hour.

URY's Music Team debate a wide range of musical issues as well as running down this week's Recommended Listening.
The Beans Hour

Literally just talking about beans for an hour. I have no idea why you'd listen to this.

Mmm, beans.

Hey, You, You're Finally Awake.

You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there. Lokir: Darn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and been half way to Hammerfell. You there. You and me -- we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants. Ralof: We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief. Imperial Soldier: Shut up back there! [Lokir looks at the gagged man.] Lokir: And what's wrong with him? Ralof: Watch your tongue! You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King. Lokir: Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the rebellion. But if they captured you... Oh gods, where are they taking us? Ralof: I don't know where we're going, but Sovngarde awaits. Lokir: No, this can't be happening. This isn't happening. Ralof: Hey, what village are you from, horse thief? Lokir: Why do you care? Ralof: A Nord's last thoughts should be of home. Lokir: Rorikstead. I'm...I'm from Rorikstead. [They approach the village of Helgen. A soldier calls out to the lead wagon.] Imperial Soldier: General Tullius, sir! The headsman is waiting! General Tullius: Good. Let's get this over with. Lokir: Shor, Mara, Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh. Divines, please help me. Ralof: Look at him, General Tullius the Military Governor. And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this. This is Helgen. I used to be sweet on a girl from here. Wonder if Vilod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in. Funny...when I was a boy, Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe. [A man and son watch the prisoners pull into town.] Haming: Who are they, daddy? Where are they going? Torolf: You need to go inside, little cub. Haming: Why? I want to watch the soldiers. Torolf: Inside the house. Now. [The wagon stops near the chopping block.] Imperial Soldier: Whoa. Lokir: Why are they stopping? Ralof: Why do you think? End of the line. also a banging breakfast show.