Sun-Dried Sundries Logo
Duration: 1 Hour

Sun-Dried Sundries

Wednesday, 8 Nov 2023 - 19:00


Let's explore vintage music from around the world on Sun-Dried Sundries! Each week I'll play a collection of incredible tunes, as well as discuss the intriguing stories that surround them. With a focus on older recordings, I hope to shed some light on obscure artists and their respective genres. 



Naveen Naru


Track Artist Time
J'attendrai Tino Rossi 19:02
Casi-Casi (Almost-Almost) Suni Paz 19:06
Luna Tucumana Atahualpa Yupanqui 19:12
Canto a Culebra (Song to Culebra) Suni Paz 19:17
Mambo Italiano Renato Carosone 19:22
Singin' In the Rain Annette Hanshaw 19:26
Kashmiri Love Song Rudolph Valentino 19:33
Good Morning Blues Lead Belly 19:39
Juke Little Walter 19:42
Jealous Hearted Man Muddy Waters 19:46
Claire de lune Larry Adler 19:51
Kipenzi Changu David Nzomo 19:56