sorry about your brain Logo
Duration: 1 Hour

sorry about your brain

Friday, 17 Nov 2023 - 21:00


sorry about your brain features songs to make you laugh, cry, rage, and reminisce. tune in to chat, to ponder, or just to have something on in the background.

genres will include anything from alternative folk, alt rock, lo-fi, indie, pop-punk, and more.

click here to find previous playlists



Track Artist Time
Gust of Wind Pharrell Williams 21:02
Gust of Wind Pharrell Williams 21:13
Opendoors Jitwam 21:15
Moving Light Ezra Glatt 21:23
ibuprofen runo plum 21:30
A Seat on the Ground JANAKI 21:32
Fajita! Roe Kapara 21:40
Futile Devices Sufjan Stevens 21:42
Toxic Young Devyn 21:49
Bunny in a Bunny Suit Simone White 21:54
Revolver Tyler Burkhart 21:56