URY On Tap: Listen Again

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Swordfish trombone Logo
Duration: 2 Hours

Swordfish trombone

Saturday, 11 Nov 2006 - 00:00


Swordfishtrombone is the aunt that you thought was dead, now what the hell is she doing in your bedroom?. And why is she clutching a copy of the Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms? You know what happens next, perhaps too well. There will people with clipboards sheltering small bearded men out of buildings through swathes of angry mothers. There will be awful music written in tribute to it. There will be prizes, celebrity guests and fancy dress. There will be people clutching their radios after 'lights out', whimpering. If the end of the world is here, Swordfishtrombone is the shoehorn that helps you on your last morning.




No tracklisting currently available.