Main Page

From URY Wiki
Revision as of 03:01, 19 November 2012 by Computing (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the ((ury)) Wiki
Being the encyclopedia on how the UK's first independent legal radio station works that URY members can edit.
General Information
Quote of the Moment

Lloyd Wallis - “Okay can just go die now”
Anthony Williams - “Did it suggest Bieber?”
Lloyd Wallis - ”…yes”

See all quotes

((ury)) History

We want to preserve as much of our station's interesting history as possible. Can you help with the following...?

More information available here.

Team Pages
These are pages for each team in ((ury)).
Is your team missing? Contact Computing Team to get your team page on here.
Userbox default.png Computing
Userbox default.png Engineering
About this wiki

Welcome to the URY wiki, in which URY members and alumni can contribute information about the UK's oldest legal independent radio station. You'll find howtos, tutorials, and little bits of URY history within these pages.

This wiki is for public information; sensitive team-specific documentation should be kept in other more secure places.

All comments on the operation of this wiki should be sent to CompTeam.

Wiki mini-projects