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You must have attended and passed a studio training session, signed your presenter's contract, paid URY Membership and [[HowTo Create a Show|created a show]] before you can apply for a season of a show.

==Applying for a Season of a Show==

If you've just created a show through the 'Create a New Show' form you will be redirected to your 'My Shows' page.

If you're applying for a season for an existing show, under 'Get On Air' click 'Apply For A Show', which will take you to your 'My Shows' page or under 'Show Tools' click 'List My Shows', which will also take you there.

Next to the show you would like to apply for a new season for click the 'New Season' icon, this will take you to the 'Apply For A New Season Form'.

===Schedule For Weeks===

Tick the boxes for the weeks you would like to do your show. If you know beforehand that there are some weeks you can't do your show (e.g you plan to go home in week 9 or you have exams in week 6) leave them blank!

====Time Availability Table====

Under the week checkboxes is a table to give the options for what time you would like to have your show. You can add another time to the list by click 'Add Another' underneath the table.
Top Tips:
1) Provide at least 3 times in which you can do your show.
2) Be as flexible as Possible
3) If you're applying at the start of term make sure you're not applying for a show during flagship time slots (if you're only applying for a one hour show) or other fixed points in the schedule - these will have been shared with you in an email notifying you applications were open.
4) If you're applying for a season during term go to the schedule on the URY website and make sure you're only applying for free slots (slots are free when URY Jukebox is on on the schedule).
5) Make sure you are applying for the correct time of day aka if you want a show 3pm-4pm make sure you're not accidentally applying for 3am-4am, and equally make sure you don't accidentally apply for a 13 hour show by getting the time of day wrong for one of the times.

====Advanced Options====

If you are applying for the first season of your show, leave these blank and the description and tags you used when you created a show will be used. If you are applying for a later season of your show and wish to change the description of your show to reflect any changes listeners can expect to see for the new season then fill these fields in accordingly.

Once you're ready click 'Submit' and your application will be sent to the Programme Controller, who will review it and then (hopefully) schedule your show!

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