URY On Tap
University Q&A, Travel Nightmares, and a Lot of Wholesome Waffling

The term has come to an end! We're sad to announce that we will be taking a few weeks off from uploading over Easter. However, we can't wait to be back in April with tons of fresh content! We hope this episode tides you over, as we wrap up the portion of the season dedicated to Freshers! And that you'll enjoy hearing about our housing plans for next year, travel fiascos, irrational fears as well as our answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about starting uni. Some might say we went majorly off topic but it wouldn’t be like us to stay on track, tangents are always more fun :)  We hope you have a fantastic break!

If you didn't manage to catch the podcast live and message us through the URY website, fear no more, we're on Instagram @teafortworadioshow where we will also be posting episode-related content, bloopers, and more! Come chat to us! Happy listening!

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