URY On Tap
Starting University, Overpacked and Underprepared

Welcome to Tea For Two! We're so happy to finally bring you the first episode of this podcast, it's been a long time in the making! It's also the first time either of us has ever recorded and edited one so please bear with us, we're learning as we go. We hope you enjoy our silly anecdotes as much as we enjoyed spilling the tea (see what we did there?;)). We also hope that if you're due to start university soon, you may have picked up a few useful tips and that if you're already far into your time at uni, that you may have found some humor and comfort in how much of a disaster we can both be. If you didn't manage to catch the podcast live and message us through theĀ  URY website, fear no more, we're on Instagram @teafortworadioshow where er will also be posting episode-related content, bloopers, and more! Happy listening!

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