
From URY Wiki
Revision as of 16:50, 13 October 2023 by Charlotte Smith (11982) (talk | contribs) (Fixed a minor typo and added current members of the management team; some more job descriptions need to go in here at some point but this edit will not be that day.)
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Station Manager and Assistant Station Manager Duties:

- Co-ordinate and lead all URY Teams, campaigns, activities and events

- Implement and enforce URY’s Constitution and Policy

- Ensuring all necessary licenses for URY to operate and that these licenses are paid and adhered to

- Act as the Health and Safety Officer for URY

- Review and update URY’s Health and Safety documentation on an annual basis

- Ensures YUSU are informed of any procedures that require their involvement

Current Management Team (Academic Year 2023/24)

Harvey Mellor - Station Manager

Kory Anderson - Assistant Station Manager

Dizzy Cooper - Assistant Station Manager

Yakov Boani - Secretary

Michael Grace - Treasurer

Ronald Young - Programme Controller