
On the 01v96i, patching is done on a 1-1 basis, rather than in blocks of 8 such as on an X32. These means that any input signal can be routed to any channel as shown in the following table:

Physical Input AD1 AD2 SL1 SL2 USB1 USB2
Channel Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5 Channel 6

This means that Analogue-Digital input 1 (AD1) is routed to Channel 1, (AD2) is routed to Channel 2, Slot Channel Input 1 (SL1, which comes out of Dante) is routed to Channel 3, and SL2 is routed to Channel 4. USB Input 1 (USB1) is routed to Channel 5, and USB2 is routed to channel 6.

There are a wide variety of inputs available on the Yamaha 01v96i, including Analogue inputs, Digital ADAT inputs, Digital SPDIF inputs, Digital USB inputs and Digital Slot inputs that are routed to Dante through the Dante card.

It is very important on a Digital board to be on top of your patching, as the physical input 1 may not be patched to channel 1, or anywhere for that matter.

Patching can be one-one, one-many but cannot be many-one as this would involve summing audio.

One to One Patch
Physical Input AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4
Channel Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4

This is a 'one-one' or one-to-one style patch, where in this case the numbering of the physical analogue inputs corresponds to the digital channels they are assigned to. This may not always be the case, for example it is possible that AD1 could be patched to channel 2 and AD2 patched to channel 1.

One to Many Patch
Physical Input AD1 AD1 AD1 AD1
Channel Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4

This is a 'one-many' or one-to-many style patch, where a single analogue input has been patched (likely erroneously) to four channels. There are legitimate circumstances where a one-to-many style patch may be required for double processing, but it is unlikely that four channels would be needed.

Patching Basics

In order to change patching on the 01v96i, do the following:

  1. Press the 'PATCH' button under 'DISPLAY ACCESS'
  2. By default, the 'IN PATCH' page will appear. If not, press the LEFT/RIGHT navigation keys under the screen until 'IN PATCH' is selected at the bottom and 'INPUT PATCH' is displayed at the top of the LCD Screen
  3. Use the Scroll-wheel to move to the channel you wish to patch
  4. Channels can also be selected for patching using the individual channel Select 'SEL' buttons
  5. Once the desired channel is selected, press 'ENTER', which will open the 'PATCH SELECT' menu
  6. Use the navigation keys to select the desired input for that channel
  7. Once happy, navigate to 'YES' and press 'ENTER'

Please note: Patching is not confirmed until 'YES' is pressed - you must confirm any changes made to the patch. Patching is also not stored in any of our scenes, so if you make a mistake, you won't be able to recall it via a scene.

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