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This is the '''constitution''' of the University Radio York society.  Any errors in the transcription should be reported to the last editor.
This is the '''constitution''' of the University Radio York society.  Any errors in the transcription should be reported to the last editor.
== General ==
== Definitions ==
# The name of the organisation will be University Radio York, hereafter referred to as URY.
# The name of the organisation will be University Radio York, hereafter referred to as its abbreviation, URY.
# All members of URY will abide by this constitution and by becoming members agree to do so.
# The Station is used to refer to the URY’s studio building in Vanbrugh College.
# The purpose of URY is to provide a radio service to the students of the University of York; “run by students for students”.
# YUSU and “the union” are used to refer to The University of York Students’ Union (YUSU)
# URY will pursue a policy of impartiality on all issues and will conduct its affairs without discrimination.
# YUM is used to refer to York University Media, as outlined in the YUSU Constitution and Media Charter.
# Computing Service or Computing Services refers to one or more aspects of URY’s computing software and equipment.
# The University of York shall hereby be referred to as “the University”.
# Policy & Review Group is as defined in the Bye-laws of YUSU.
== Ratification ==
# A society shall be recognised by YUSU, provided that a constitution, code of practice, an equipment list, risk assessment and up-to-date membership list are provided.
# The trustee board will begin the re-ratification process in the summer term for the following academic year.
# Societies who have not requested to be re-ratified by week 10 of the summer term are considered no longer in existence.
# Every member of the society agrees to abide by the YUSU byelaws, the YUSU constitution and the society's own code of conduct. The society remains responsible for the actions of its members in the course of their society duties.
# YUSU retains the right to suspend or refuse recognition to any club or society that contravenes the standard society constitution, the YUSU constitution, or the YUSU byelaws.
== Membership ==
== Membership ==
# Membership will be open to all members of the University of York, as defined by the Statutes of the University of York.
# Membership shall be open to any member of the University, and any associate member, as defined in the union’s constitution.
# Membership may only be obtained by subscription in the manner set down by the Students' Union.
# Membership may be offered to people who are not connected with the University but they may not hold office in the society.
# Non-members of the University of York are eligible to join for membership, at the discretion of a Station Meeting. Applicants may be required to attend that meeting at the discretion of the Station Manager.
# Only members of the union may be signatories.
# The cost of Membership shall be £7 for all members.
# URY may choose at a Station Meeting to have non-fee paying Honorary members. The Honorary membership will last as long as the Station Meeting decides but shall not be shorter that the remainder of the academic year in which the Honorary membership is conferred.
# URY may choose at a Station Meeting to have non-fee paying Honorary members. The Honorary membership will last as long as the Station Meeting decides but shall not be shorter that the remainder of the academic year in which the Honorary membership is conferred.
# The Honorary President shall be an ex-officio Honorary Member.
# The Honorary President shall be an ex-officio Honorary Member.
# All presenters must sign a declaration on joining URY, stating that they have never been, nor have any intention of being, involved in pirate radio.
# All members must sign a declaration on joining URY, stating that they have never been, nor have any intention of being, involved in pirate radio.  
== Honorary President ==
== Honorary President ==
# URY will appoint an Honorary President, who must be a member of the University's staff.
# URY will appoint an Honorary President, who must be a member of the University's staff.
# The appointment of an Honorary President will be approved at a URY Station Meeting, in consultation with the University authorities. The appointment will be confirmed at a meeting of the Audio-Visual Aids Committee.
# The appointment of an Honorary President will be approved at a URY Station Meeting, in consultation with the University authorities.
# The Honorary President will hold URY's license, and should satisfy themselves that the requirements of the license are being adhered to.
# The Honorary President will hold URY's license, and should satisfy themselves that the requirements of the license are being adhered to.
# The Honorary President will be indemnified, out of URY's assets, against losses or liabilities which they may incur in or about the execution of their office or otherwise in relation thereto.
== Officers ==
== Officers ==
=== Officer Duties ===
# The following teams will exist in URY:
# Officers are responsible to the members of the society.
#* Management Team;
# Three committee officers must be signatories of the society.
#* Programming Team;
# No committee officer shall serve for more than 12 months without re-election.
#* Training Team;
# An officer is subject to a vote of NO CONFIDENCE by a meeting of the society.
#* News Team;
# An officer may resign at any time by written notification to the Station Manager. The resignation will be immediately announced and nominations open for election. The election must not occur until 7 days after the announcement was made.
#* Music Team;
# All Heads of Teams have the following duties:
#* Speech Team;
## To coordinate other members of their team.
#* Events Team;
## To promote the team and its activities to current and potential members.
#* Production Team;
## To perform the duties of other Officers within their team if the position is vacant.
#* Computing Team;
# All Assistant Heads of Teams have the following duties:
#* Engineering Team;
## To perform duties within their respective Head of Team’s remit under the direction of the Head of Team.
#* Business Team;
## To act as Head of Team in absence of an elected Head of Team.
#* Other Officers
# All Officers within a Team must attend Team meetings, organised at least three times a term by the relevant Head of Team.
# All posts will be open for election at the Annual General Meeting in the Autumn Term.
# Each Officer position may be held by only one person, with the exception of Assistant Station Manager, for which two people may jointly stand, and Assistant Heads of Teams, for which there are two positions open to one person each.
# All officers are accountable to station meetings and are required to send weekly reports of their URY related activities, and/or to attend all station meetings or send apologies. Officers failing to do so for 5 consecutive station meetings may be subject to a vote of no confidence by the Station Manager after consultation with a station meeting.
## If one member in a jointly-held position steps down, the other member must also stand down.
# Heads of Teams are responsible for deputising for subordinate positions in the cases that an officer is unable to fulfil their obligations for a short period of time, or, a position is unfilled. Should there be no head of team to fulfil these obligations, then control of the team passes to the Assistant Head of Team or the Station Manager.
# In addition to the responsibilities listed above, each Officer position has additional duties as outlined in the following sections.
# Ex-officers may apply to be kept on the officer email list at the discretion of the Station Manager. Only current York students may be on the officers email list.
=== Management Team ===
=== Station Management ===
==== Station Manager ====
==== Station Manager ====
URY will be managed by the Station Manager, whose responsibilities will be:
# Shall act as the Head of Team for the Management Team.
* Co-ordination of URY's operational teams.
# Co-ordinate and lead all URY Teams, campaigns, activities and events.
* Chairing of weekly station meetings.
# Chair Station Meetings, EGMs and the AGM.
* Management of URY's long term planning processes.
# Implement and develop URY’s long term strategic planning processes.
* Leadership of URY campaigns, events and activities.
# Implement and enforce URY’s Constitution and Policy.
* External representation of URY.
# Produce weekly relevant information to appear in the studio and mailing list.
* Implementation of URY policy.
# Ensure the Honorary President holds all necessary licenses for URY to operate and that these licenses are paid and adhered to.
* Shall produce weekly on-air and off-air relevent information sheets for the studio and mailing lists
# Co-ordinate entries to all relevant student media awards.
* Ensuring the Honorary President holds all necessary licenses for the station to operate.
* Ensures relevant licences are paid and adhered to.
* Shall co-ordinate all national, local and student union radio award entries.
==== Assistant Station Manager ====
==== Assistant Station Manager ====
* The station manager will be assisted by one of the officers in the capacity of ASM.
# This position may only be held by a member who is already an Officer, who will act as Assistant Station Manager alongside their other duties.
* The election of an officer to the position of ASM will take place after the AGM and will be subject to the usual election regulations as described in section 6.
# Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Management Team.
* A specific duty of the ASM will be as acting Health and Safety Officer. It is their responsibility to ensure URY and its members follow the Code of Practice, and that YUSU are informed of procedures that require their involvement (as detailed in Code of Practice, as well as being in charge of Health and Safety documentation being up to date.
# Act as the Health and Safety Officer for URY.
# Review and update URY’s Health and Safety documentation on an annual basis.
# Ensures YUSU are informed of any procedures that require their involvement.
# Ensures all members follow URY’s Code of Practice.
==== Treasurer ====
==== Treasurer ====
# Management of accounts and finances in accordance to Section 12 (Finance) of this constitution.
* Maintenance of URY's accounts in accordance with Section 8 of this constitution.
# Liaison inside and outside the University on all financial matters.
* Management of all of URY's finances.
* Liaison inside and outside the University on all financial matters.
* Collation of personal telephone bills.
==== Secretary ====
==== Secretary ====
* Taking and publishing minutes of all station meetings and officers reports.
# Taking and publishing minutes of all Station Meetings and Officer Reports.
* Maintenance of the URY office.
# Maintenance of the Station office, including stationary levels.
* Maintains stationery levels.
# Replying to miscellaneous correspondence.  
* Replying to miscellaneous correspondence.
=== Presenting Team ===
=== Programming Team ===
The officers in the Programming Team, and their respective responsibilities will be as follows:
==== Programme Controller ====
==== Programme Controller ====
* Co-ordination of all presenters and programming team members.
# Shall act as the Head of Team for the Presenting Team.
* Scheduling of programming.
# Responsible for co-ordination of all presenters.
* Ensuring quality of programmes.
# Responsible for leading scheduling of Programming and ensuring the quality of Programmes.
* Ensuring and verifying the logging of all output.
# Responsible for ensuring and verifying the logging of all output.
* Ensures presenter contracts are adhered to.
# Responsible for ensuring presenter contracts are adhered to.  
* Responsible for the upkeep of Studio 1.
==== Training Coordinator ====
* Plans and coordinates content for standard on air programming i.e. Woodstock Week / competitions
# Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Presenting Team.
# Responsible for co-ordinating training of new presenters and ensuring their continued competence and good practice.
==== Assistant Programme Controller ====
* Assisting the Programme Controller in their duties, as directed by the Programme Controller.
=== Training Team ===
==== Head of Training ====
* Organises and is responsible for the training of new presenters and ensuring their continuing competence.
* Providing guidelines to the station on good presentation practice.
* Responsible for the continual training of presenters regarding new equipment and regulations.
* Coordinates the Training Team.
==== Assistant Head of Training ====
* Assisting the Training Manager in their duties as directed by the Head of Training.
=== News Team ===
=== News Team ===
The officers in the News Team, and their respective responsibilities, will be as follows:
==== Head of News and Sport ====
==== Head of News and Sport ====
* Exercises control over all official campus, local, national and international news, sport, political and current affairs programming and manages the production of official URY news output.
# Shall act as the Head of Team for the News Team.
* Coordinates News/Sport Editor(s) and Reporters.
# Coordinate all official campus, local, national and international news, sport, political and current affairs programming.
* Responsible for overall production of weekly URY Newshour
# Manage the production of official URY news output both on-air and online, including the weekly URY Newshour.
* Must hold a weekly meeting to set news agenda for the week
# Responsible for the upkeep of Studio 2 in cooperation with the Head of Speech and all URY News OB/Studio equipment.
* Responsible for the upkeep of Studio 2, and all URY News OB equipment/studio equipment.
# Responsible for covering YUSU Meetings.
* Responsible for URY's coverage of UGMs.
* Oversees URY News’ presence online.
==== News Editor ====
==== News Editor ====
* Position can be held by two members.
# Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the News Team.
* Support the production of content for weekly URY Newshour and all other news programming
# Coordinate news reporters.
* Co-ordinate news/sports reporters with the support of the Head of News
# Organise cover and arrange content for URY’s daily and hourly bulletins.
* Organise cover and arrange content for URY’s daily and hourly bulletins
==== Sports Editor ====
* Must attend the weekly news agenda meeting and regularly contribute story ideas
# Produce weekly sport content for the URY Newshour.
* Should also attend UGMs and take an active role in all URY News events along with the Head of News.
# Coordinate sport reporters.
* Responsible for URY News’ online presence.
# Collate campus sport scores for the URY Website and programmes.  
==== News Reporter (News and Sport) ====
==== Sport Editor ====
# Responsible to URY news and sport editor(s) and the head of news.
* Must produce a weekly sport programme and/or 10 minutes of sport for the URY News Hour
# Should attend the weekly news meeting.
* Should collate the campus sport scores for the URY website and programmes.
# Should actively look for campus news and sports stories for the wider agenda.
* Coordinates the sport reporters to produce programme content.
# Multiple instances of this officership can be created.
==== Reporters (News and Sport) ====
* Responsible to URY News and Sport Editor(s) and the Head of News.
* Should attend the weekly news meeting.
* Should actively look for campus news and sports stories for the wider agenda.
=== Music Team ===
=== Music Team ===
The officers in the Music Team, and their respective responsibilities, will be as follows:
==== Head of Music ====
==== Head of Music ====
* Acquisition of musical material/equipment for URY's use.
# Shall act as the Head of Team for the Music Team.
* Purchasing of new music/equipment from Music Team budget.
# Acquisition and purchase of musical material and equipment for URY’s use.
* Liaison with Record Companies and promoters.
# Liaison with record companies and promoters.
* Co-ordinating sessions, the reviewing of musical events (including coverage of), and interviews as necessary.
# Organise presenters for weekly music team shows.
* Organising presenters for weekly music team shows.
# Assist the Programme Controller with the scheduling of Specialist Music shows.  
* Assisting with the programming of Specialist Music shows.
# Compile the weekly URY Playlist and Recommended Listening playlist and ensuring distribution to all presenters.
* Co-ordinating the promotion of Music Team activites and Specialist Music shows on URY.
==== Assistant Head of Music ====
==== Assistant Head of Music ====
* Multiple instances of this officership can be created, each with a specialist role in the team's remit, as directed by the Head of Music.
# Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Music Team.
* A maximum of 2 instances may exist at any time.
==== Sessions Manager ====
==== Sessions Manager ====
* Organising and assisting with live sessions
# Organise and produce the weekly URY Sessions Show.
* Uploading and maintaining live session archive on the URY Music Soundcloud and the Sessions section of the URY website.
# Record, upload and maintain an archive of URY live sessions on the URY Music Soundcloud and other locations as determined by the Head of Music.  
==== Interviews Manager ====
==== Interviews Manager ====
* Organising and assisting with interviews
# Organise and assist with interviews.
* Uploading and maintaining interviews on the URY Music Soundcloud and the Interviews section of the URY website.
# Record upload and maintain an archive of URY interviews on the URY Music Soundcloud and other locations as determined by the Head of Music.
==== Librarian ====
==== Librarian ====
* Cataloguing of music material.
# Catalogue and maintain music material in the URY Central Database.
* Maintaining URY Record Store in Vanbrugh.
# Catalogue and maintain the URY Vinyl and CD libraries.
* Considers and proposes storage solutions for music stock in the URY Record Store
# Develop and implement storage procedures for the URY Vinyl and CD libraries.
* Buying new music from the music team budget (only after consultation).
* Compiling the weekly Recommended Listening playlist and ensuring its distribution to all presenters.
==== Chart Supremo ====
==== Chart Supremo ====
* Presenting, or the arranging the presentation of the Chart Show.
# Prepare, produce and present the weekly URY Chart Show.
* Compilation of weekly URY chart return sheets.
# Compile and distribute the weekly URY Chart Return sheets, both internally and externally.
* Sending URY chart information to music contacts (both internal and external).
=== Speech Team ===
=== The Speech Team ===
The officers in the Speech Team, and their respective responsibilities, will be as follows:
==== Head of Speech ====
==== Head of Speech ====
* Responsible for the co-ordination of all officers within the Speech Team.
# Shall act as the Head of Team for the Speech Team.
* Responsible for the production of comedy, drama and other speech-based entertainment for Sunday Speech programming.
# Manage the production of official URY speech output both on-air and online, including the weekly URY Speech programme.
* Responsible for the URY Speech online presence.
# Responsible for the upkeep of Studio 2 in cooperation with the Head of News and Sport.
==== Assistant Head of Speech ====
==== Assistant Head of Speech ====
* Assists the Head of Speech as directed by the Head of Speech.
# Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Speech Team.
==== Cinema and Theatre Liaison ====
==== Cinema and Theatre Liaison ====
* Responsible for contacting cinemas and theatres and obtaining information about press showings and other information i.e. screening/performance times, competitions.
# Liaise with local cinemas and theatres to obtain information about press showings and other information such as competitions.
* Responsible for keeping Cinema and Theatre contact details up to date and contacting promotion companies.
# Ensure cinema and theatre contact details are up to date.
* Responsible for organising all Cinema and Theatre reviews.
# Organise cinema and theatre reviews.
==== Documentaries and Features Editor ====
==== Documentaries and Features Editor ====
* Responsible for production and broadcast of documentaries and other factual programmes, in association with the Head of Speech.
# Manage the production of official URY speech documentaries and other factual output both on-air and online, in association with the Head of Speech.
* Responsible for the production of other speech-based programmes as directed by the Head of Speech.
==== Speech Officer ====
==== Speech Officer ====
* Duties given at the discretion of any of the previous members of the Speech Team, as detailed above.
# Duties given at the discretion of any of the members of the speech team detailed above.
# Multiple instances of this officership can be created.
=== Events Team ===
=== Events Team ===
The officers in the Events Team, and their respective responsibilities, will be as follows:
==== Head of Events ====
==== Head of Events ====
* Co-ordinates members of the Events Team
# Shall act as the Head of Team for the Events Team.
* Responsible for event organistion, i.e. the completion of YUSU Event Management Forms, supply of electricity and internet connection.
# Responsible for organising events, including liaison with YUSU Health and Safety, completion of Event Management Forms and provision of electricity and network access.
* At the discretion of Managment and Programming, is responsible for on air content throughout events (campus-based and otherwise)
# Responsible for the on-air and online content output of URY throughout special events campus-based or otherwise.
* Co-ordinates all non-broadcasting events including gigs, club nights, DJ sessions and any other external equipment usage, excluding external broadcasting events.
# Co-ordination of all non-broadcast live events including gigs, club nights, DJ Sessions.
* Liaises with the Station Manager and all other relevant officers over each Event.
# Liaison with Station Management and all other relevant Officers regarding every event.
* Ensures that financial planning is comprehensive, adequate and checked with the Station Management.
# Ensure that event financial planning is comprehensive, adequate and cleared by Station Management.
==== Assistant Head of Events ====
==== Assistant Head of Events ====
* Assists the Events Manager in all Events, organisation of Events and preparation of Events.
# Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Events Team.
=== Production Team ===
=== Production Team ===
The officers in the Production Team, and their respective responsibilities, will be as follows:
==== Head of Production ====
==== Head of Production ====
* Responsible for production of all jingles, idents, adverts and audio promotional material.
# Shall act as the Head of Team for the Production Team.
* Responsible for providing presenters with assistance recording jingles for shows.
# Produce and acquire all jingles, beds, idents, adverts and audio promotional material.
* Responsible for providing radio edits of tracks requested by the Programming Team.
# Provide assistance for presenters producing material for their shows.
* Responsible for the organisation of production CDs and production music on the computer.
# Provide radio edits of tracks as requested by the Presenting and Music Teams.
# Organisation and maintenance of production CDs and resources on URY’s computer system.
==== Assistant Head of Production ====
==== Assistant Head of Production ====
* Assists Head of Production as directed by the Head of Production.
# Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Production Team.
=== Computing Team ===
=== Computing Team ===
All members of the Computing Team, unless explicitly stated below, have the following collective responsibilities that they must agree to in order to participate in the team:
* To respect the privacy of all users;
* To respect presenters and their shows, as well as campus services relying on URY’s broadcasting, and thus not to unduly disrupt URY’s output;
* To uphold the highest possible level of security for URY, including ensuring that any sensitive information created by or delegated to them is sufficiently secured;
* Not to abuse any privileges (including superuser/root access) granted to them either by virtue of their position or as extra privileges (see below).
The officers in the Computing Team, and their respective responsibilities, will be as follows:
==== Head of Computing ====
==== Head of Computing ====
* Maintenance and development of URY's computer systems;
# Shall act as the Head of Team for the Computing Team.
* Handling (at the top/source level) and appropriate delegation of credentials (for example, passwords) for URY’s computer systems;
# Work with the YUSU Data Protection Officer to ensure all information is stored appropriately.
* Preparation and/or maintenance of contingency plans to allow for the continued operation of the team in emergencies, including the event of the Head of Computing being unavailable for prolonged periods of time (for instance, facilities to allow the Assistant Head of Computing to carry out Head of Computing duties whilst acting as such);
# Ensure the privacy of all users and their data.
* Co-ordination with university IT services with regards to the security of URY servers;
# Ensure that URY’s output or other IT Services systems are not unduly disrupted by a URY run Computing Service.
* Co-ordination with heads of other teams, especially the Engineering Team, with respect to the optimal usage of computing services by teams and the optimal development of said services to satisfy teams’ needs;
# Ensure the security of URY’s Computing Services, including the encryption of all sensitive information (e.g. passwords).
* Management of the Internet audio stream from a software perspective;
# Manage and issue credentials and privileges with the URY Computing Services.
* Maintenance to a usable standard of the station’s Internet connection and connectivity to Internet services used by URY teams (including but not limited to IRN and e-mail);
# Ensure the use of any Computer privileges delegated to any member are used only for the purposes in which they were granted, including revoking such privileges if they are abused. Any such revocation will be done with the consent of the Management Team and reviewed at the next Station meeting.
* Termination, without warning, of computer based services if they are deemed harmful to university interests. Termination of services critical to the running of the station and/or publicly consumed services is subject to the following terms and conditions:
# Liaise with IT Services on the maintenance and development of Computing Services, including ensuring the continued provision of URY’s external network connectivity.
** Any such action shall be performed only with the prior approval of the management;
# Liaise with Heads of Teams and other Officers to ensure Computing Services are used in their intended and optimal fashion, and to ensure Computing Services develop to continue to satisfy URY’s requirements.
** Any such action shall be explained at the next station meeting and reviewed.
# Manage and ensure the continued service of URY’s Webcast output.
* Delegation of extra privileges on URY computer systems to other members of URY. The term “extra privileges” in this section is to be understood as any device by which members may perform activities above and beyond those allowed to them by their officership, studio training status and similar criteria, explicit examples of which include superuser/sudo privileges, the ability to manipulate the scheduler without being a member of the Programming Team et cetera. Said delegation is subject to the following terms and conditions:
# Delegate privileges on Computing Services to other members of URY, YUSU or IT Services, with consent from the Management Team.
** Members of URY holding Computing Team officerships may be granted extra privileges at the discretion of the Head of Computing;
# Shall have full, unrestricted access to all Computing Services for the purpose of ensuring their continued service and development, including the `root` password for all servers.
** Other members of URY may also be granted extra privileges, but only via mutual agreement of the Head of Computing and the management and with a clear mandate as to why the privileges are required having been agreed upon by all involved parties;
# Work with the Chief Engineer to prepare and develop Disaster Recovery plans to enable continued operation or to restore operation as quickly as possible in the event of an emergency, including the loss of the Head of Computing and associated privileges to the Computing Services.
** Granted privileges are immediately, automatically revoked upon the ending of the grace period after the annual standing down of officers (irrespective of whether or not the affected member is an officer);
** Granted privileges are revocable without prior warning by the Head of Computing or station management for any reason (an appeal may be made to the revoking party).
The Head of Computing is automatically granted all privileges on URY owned and operated computer services (in technical terms, full root access) for the duration of their tenure.
==== Assistant Head of Computing ====
==== Assistant Head of Computing ====
* Assist the Head of Computing as directed by the Head of Computing;
# Act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Computing Team.
* Act as Head of Computing in emergencies should the Head of Computing be unavailable (including granting of privileges, but only under mutual agreement with the station management);
* Accept responsibilities delegated by the Head of Computing given mutual agreement with respect to the delegation and the understanding that both parties may be held responsible to some extent for any abuse of such.
==== Webmaster ====
==== Webmaster ====
* Maintain the URY website (including any members area and alternate formats eg. mobile/print);
# Maintain the URY front-end website (ury.org.uk), including any browser-based online Computing Service and any alternate formats (e.g. mobile/print).
* Coordinate the design and evolution of the website with the station management and Business team.
# Evolve and develop the URY website alongside the Management and Marketing Teams.
The Webmaster is granted the privileges to edit, build and deploy the website for the duration of their tenure.
==== Computing Officer ====
==== Computing Officer ====
Multiple instances of this officership can be created, each with a specialist role in the team's remit. These roles are decided upon by the head of team as required.
# Multiple instances of this officership can be created, each with a specialist role within the team's remit.
# These roles are decided upon by the head of team as required.
=== Engineering Team ===
=== Engineering Team ===
The officers in the Engineering Team, and their respective responsibilities, will be as follows:
==== Chief Engineer ====
==== Chief Engineer ====
* Co-ordinates members of the Engineering team: including delegation of studio and OB procedures.
# Shall act as the Head of Team for the Engineering Team.
* Maintenance of URY's equipment, including trasmitter and aerial mast.
# Maintenance, development and procurement of URY’s broadcast equipment, including the transmitter and aerial mast.
* Development and procurement of new equipment.
# Upkeep of URY’s fixtures and fittings.
* Upkeep of URY's fixtures and fittings.
# Ensure Outside Broadcasts and other events have sufficient technical assistance.
* Ensuring all Outside Broadcasts and other events recieve sufficient technical assistance, either by direct involvement or by assigning responsibility to the Outside Broadcast Officer.
# Ensure URY equipment has passed necessary safety tests (e.g. PAT testing).
* Ensuring all URY equipment has passed necessary tests (i.e. PAT testing).
# Work with the Head of Computing to prepare and develop Disaster Recovery plans to enable continued operation or to restore operation as quickly as possible in the event of an emergency, including the loss of the Chief Engineer, station or broadcast equipment.
==== Assistant Chief Engineer ====
==== Assistant Chief Engineer ====
* Assists the Chief Engineer as directed by the Chief Engineer.
# Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Engineering Team.
==== Engineering Officer ====
==== Engineering Officer ====
* Assists Chief Engineer and Assistant Chief Engineer on Outside Broadcasts and other engineering projects as directed.
# Assists Chief Engineer and Assistant Chief Engineer on Outside Broadcasts and other engineering projects as directed.
# Multiple instances of this officership can be created.
=== Business Team ===
=== Marketing Team ===
The officers in the Business Team, and their respective responsibilities, will be as follows:
==== Head of Marketing ====
# Shall act as the Head of Team for the Marketing Team.
==== Head of Business ====
# Manage external representation of URY.
* Co-ordinates members of the Business team.
# Acquire on-air and off-air sponsorship/advertising in agreement with the Management Team.
* Responsible for the acquisition of on-air and off-air sponsorship/advertising.
# Produce, verify and distribute URY publicity.
* Production, vetting and distribution of URY publicity.
# Promote URY to its listeners and enhance URY’s presence within the University.
* Promotion of URY to its listeners and working towards the enhancement of URY's profile within the University.
# Co-ordinate promotions and competitions, including warm-up shows for the weekly YUSU Club Nights.
* Co-ordinates promotions and competitions.
==== Assistant Head of Marketing ====
# Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Marketing Team.
==== Assistant Head of Business ====
==== Digital Content Manager ====
* Assists Head of Business in their duties as directed by the Head of Business.
# Negotiate, upload and maintain URY’s online content including, but not limited to URY Player, photos and videos to assist with on-air programming.
# Develop and maintain consistent use of social media to extent the online presence of URY.
# Co-ordinate with the Management and Presenting Teams to ensure a fair online representation of URY.
=== Other Officers ===
=== Other Officers ===
==== Digital Content Manager ====
* Responsible for the negotiation, upload and upkeep of online content (podcasts, photos and videos) to assist on-air programming.
* Consistent use of social media to extend the online presence of URY
* Shall coordinate with Station Management and the Programming Team to ensure a fair online representation of URY.
==== Social Secretary ====
==== Social Secretary ====
* Organise and publicise regular URY socials to all members.
# Organise and publicise regular URY socials to all members in accordance to YUSU guidelines.
==== Officer without Portfolio ====
==== Officer Without Portfolio ====
# Shall not be a member of any team.
* Shall not be a member of any team.
# Assists any team under the direction of Heads of Teams and the Management Team.
* Assists any team under the direction of Heads of Teams and Station Management.
# Shall polish the URY plaque.
* Shall polish the URY plaque.
== Code of Practice ==
# A member must not participate in or omit to mention anything which might cause injury/damage to themselves or others.
== URY Meetings ==
# All members must adhere to the health and safety rules and procedures of YUSU, the society and the University.
# No members should attend workshops, activities and meetings under the influence of drink and/or drugs.
# No member should undertake any action that may bring the reputation of the society, YUSU or the University into disrepute.
# Respect the different viewpoints of the society members if different from your own.
# Respect the property of the university, YUSU, the society, University students and society members.
# All members should have access to the contact details of the whole committee.
# The Committee shall oversee health and safety, coordinate safety checks and PAT test electrical goods owned by the society.
# Participant selection for society activities should be objective.
# Keep all records of the society up to date such as membership lists and contact details.
# Socials (and the activities within) are opt-in only and shall have no bearing on any status within the society, and/or society elections.
# Drinking should not be the theme of the social and members should be able to take part in all activities whether drinking alcohol or not.
# Members of YUSU will not apply what may be perceived as peer pressure upon individuals in any social situation.
# Breaches of this code of practise may result in a disciplinary hearing carried out by the Student Activities Officer.
== Broadcasting Policy ==
# Any officer can make a request for broadcasting to cease to the following people, and it must be confirmed by them:
## Station Manager
## Assistant Station Manager
## Honorary President
# Broadcasting may recommence when the person who initiated the cessation gives their consent and has consulted the above.
# A decision to deny the use of URY facilities to any member may be made at a Station Meeting. That person must be informed when such a motion is to be discussed and invited to the relevant meeting. The Station Manager, Assistant Station Manager, Programme Controller and Training Coordinator may deny the use of facilities temporarily until the next Station Meeting.
# A member may appeal any decision made to the YUSU Student Activities Officer.
# All broadcasting will comply with the relevant standards and practices published by Ofcom and other relevant licencing and standards bodies.
# All presenters must sign a copy of the Presenter Contract before going on air.
#A list of all persons who were on air at any time, including guests must be maintained.
# The News Team are entitled to at least a two-minute hourly news programme and a 60 minute weekly news programme, to be scheduled jointly by the Presenting and News Teams.
# The Music Team are entitled to at least a 60 minute weekly music programme, to be scheduled jointly by the Presenting and Music teams.
# The Speech Team are entitled to at least a 60 minute weekly speech programme, to be scheduled jointly by the Presenting and Speech Teams.
# All broadcast output, including sustaining services, must be logged in accordance with the Ofcom guidelines.
# The Head of Computing and Chief Engineer must separately check, that both audio loggers are working on a weekly basis whilst URY is broadcasting.
# An officer of the Computing or Engineering Teams must confirm that both audio loggers are working after any work in their vicinity.
== Lending & Services ==
# Equipment or facilities may be leant out for non-URY purposes at the discretion of a Station Meeting, with the permission of the Chief Engineer. URY reserves the right to refuse lending.
## A nominal charge may be made for this service on a case-by-case-basis.
## All borrowed equipment is to be returned as soon as possible. Damaged or faulty equipment must be taken to the Chief Engineer and repair costs will be applicable to those that have borrowed the equipment.
# All music in the URY Central Database and CD and Vinyl Stores are not for the personal use of any URY member or any body other than URY. All relevant copyright and distribution laws must be adhered to.
# Requests received by URY for the provision of DJ services can be accepted at the discretion of a Station Meeting.
## Guide pricing is £50 per night regardless of the quantity of DJs.
## YUSU or other large campus events may have this fee waived at the discretion of a Station Meeting.
== Meetings ==
# Societies can hold committee meetings, general meetings, AGMs (Annual General Meetings) and EGMs (Extraordinary General Meetings).
# All meetings are open and must be advertised to all members. A motion may be passed to exclude non-members of URY.
# EGMs shall be advertised to the society members and the YUSU Student Activities Officer seven working days before the meeting.
# Motions must be passed by a simple majority of those present and voting.
# The quorum for all meetings shall be 10% of the membership of the society.
# If quoracy cannot be met at a society general meeting, called in accordance with its constitution, Policy & Review Group can ratify the decisions taken.
# Abstentions shall count towards quoracy but shall not count for or against.
=== Station Meetings ===
=== Station Meetings ===
# All URY members have the right to attend and vote at all URY Station Meetings, provided it does not contravene the YUSU Constitution.
# URY shall hold a Station Meeting, which incorporates both a committee and general meeting on a weekly basis during term time.
# All Station Meetings will be open to all unless a motion is passed excluding non-members of URY.
# Station Meetings may be chaired by any Officer at the discretion of the Station Manager.
# Station Meetings will be held weekly during term time.
# The agenda of Station Meetings will be decided by the chair, but must include ratification of the previous minutes, Head of Team reports and Any Other Business.
# Emergency Station Meetings may be called by the Station Manager or Assistant Station Manager, giving 24 hours notice during which time details of the meeting must be given to all members via email or other suitable methods.
=== Debate Motions ===
# An AGM will be held annually in Week 6 of the Autumn Term.
During debate, the following calls from the floor are allowed:
# The quorum for Station Meetings will be 10 URY members, including at least one officer (excluding the Chair of the meeting).
# Challenge to the quorum. This will result in an immediate count of those present, and the meeting will be closed if inquorate.
# Station Meetings may be chaired by any officer, at the discretion of the Station Manager.
# Challenge to the chair. This will result in the challenger being asked to put their reasons to the meeting. The chair may reply to the challenge. The meeting will then reach a decision by means of a SMV. If the challenge is upheld, the chair is passed to the successor as defined in Order of Succession below, for the remainder of the meeting or until such time as a subsequent challenge to the chair is upheld.
# The agenda of Station Meetings will be decided by the chair, but must include the ratification of the minutes of the previous meeting and officers' reports.
# Move to a bar. This will result in a vote being held on whether or not to move to a bar, the vote being a SMV. If the motion is passed the meeting will be adjourned while all members proceed to the nearest college bar with instructions to purchase one pint (or appropriate legal measure) of any liquid provided by the licensee for consumption on or off the premises. The meeting will recommence when 75% of those who have proceeded to the bar have returned, subject to a quorum count.  
# Motions at a Station Meeting may be passed by a Simple Majority Vote (SMV, see Appendix 1).
=== Order of Succession ===
# During debate, the following calls from the floor are allowed:
The order of officer succession at Station Meetings is as follows:
#* Challenge to the quorum. This will result in an immediate count of those present, and the meeting will be closed if inquorate.
# Station Manager
#* Challenge to the chair. This will result in the challenger being asked to put their reasons to the meeting. The chair may reply to the challenge. The meeting will then reach a decision by means of a SMV. If the challenge is upheld, the chair is passed to the successor as defined in point 11 below, for the remainder of the meeting or until such time as a subsequent challenge to the chair is upheld.
# Assistant Station Manager
#* Move to a bar. This will result in a vote being held on whether or not to move to a bar, the vote being a SMV. If the motion is passed the meeting will be adjourned while all members proceed to the nearest college bar with instructions to purchase one pint (or appropriate legal measure) of any liquid provided by the licensee for consumption on or off the premises. The meeting will recommence when 75% of those who have proceeded to the bar have returned, subject to a quorum count.
# Programme Controller
# The order of succession of officer succession at station meetings is as follows:
# Training Coordinator
#* Station Manager
# Head of News
#* Assistant Station Manager
# Head of Music
#* Programme Controller
# Head of Speech
#* Head of News
# Head of Marketing
#* Head of Music
# Head of Production
#* Head of Speech
# Chief Engineer
#* Head of Business
# Head of Computing
#* Head of Production
# Head of Events
#* Chief Engineer
# Assistant Head of News
#* Head of Computing
# Assistant Head of Music
#* Assistant Programme Controller
# Assistant Head of Speech
#* Head of Training
# Assistant Head of Marketing
#* Head of Events
# Treasurer
#* Assistant Head of News
== Elections & AGM ==
#* Assistant Head of Music
# An AGM of the society will take place at least once in every 12 month period, in which every Officer position is re-elected, with the exception of Assistant Station Manager which is elected at the subsequent Station Meeting.
#* Assistant Head of Speech
# This meeting shall be called by the Station Manager and be advertised to all members of the society and the YUSU Student Activities Officer with at least seven working days’ notice.
#* Assistant Head of Business
# All members should be made aware of their ability to stand for election and vote.
#* Treasurer
# Non-members and non-students’ union members shall not be permitted to vote or stand for election.
# Counter-proposals and amendments may be voted on at the discretion of the chair.
# Election rules require candidates to leave the room and a choice of either STV or simple majority voting.
# Advisory Committees, when appointed are required to present to a Station Meeting. See Appendix 14 for details.
# The YUSU Student Activities Officer can call a general meeting of any society, at which elections can be held, with significant cause to do so.
# An election may be held at any Station Meeting. Nominations must reach the Station Manager in writing 48 hours before the start of the meeting at which the election is to take place.
=== Team Meetings ===
# Each candidate must be nominated and seconded in their nomination. All URY members except the returning officer may propose or second any one candidate for each post.
# Each operational team of URY will meet at least three times per term with details publicised in advance.
# Team meetings will be chaired by the Head of Team. Meeting procedure will be at the discretion of the chair.
== Elections ==
# Elections may be held at a Station Meeting.
# All members of URY are entitled to stand for any officership, but no person may hold more than one officership. The only exception to this is the Assistant Station Manager who must already hold an officership. Note the positions of SM and ASM, PC and ASM or APC and ASM cannot be held by the same person. Should any officer cease to be a member of URY, their position will become vacant and an election held.
# If only one nomination is received for a post, a SMV will be held on whether or not the candidate should hold the post.
# If more than one nomination is received for a post, the Alternative Voting Method (AVM) (see Appendix 1) will be used and the voters will be allowed to vote for Re-open Nominations (RON).
# The chair of the meeting, or another officer nominated by the chair, will act as returning officer for the election. No returning officer may stand or vote for an election which they are overseeing.
# Application for any officership must reach the Station Manager in writing, 48 hours before the start of the meeting at which the election is to take place.
# Each candidate must be nominated by one proposer and at least one seconder. All URY members, with the exception of the returning officer, may either propose or second any one candidate for each post.
# Up to a maximum of 2 members may stand for any officership, with the exception of the Station Manager, Treasurer, Secretary and Heads of Teams. Two members only may jointly stand for the position of Assistant Station Manager or Chief Engineer.
# Absentee voting in elections will not be permitted.
# Absentee voting in elections will not be permitted.
# A motion of no confidence in any officer may be served by any URY member.
# At the Station Meeting following an AGM, any position which remains vacant may be temporarily delegated to any other Officer until such a time that the position is filled.
#* The motion must be submitted to the Station Manager at least 24 hours before the meeting at which the motion is to be discussed.
## It must be clear to all members that the Officer position is still available.
#* The vote will be a SMV by secret ballot and the officer concerned must be invited to the meeting.
#* If the motion is passed the post will be available for election at the following meeting.
#* The no-confidenced officer may re-stand.
# An officer may resign at any time by written notification to the Station Manager. The resignation will be immediately announced and an election called. The election must not occur within 7 days of the announcement.
# When one member in a jointly-held officership resigns, or is no-confidenced, all members holding that post will relinquish their duties, and an election for the post will be held.
# Candidates should attend their elections, except at the discretion of a Station Meeting.
# In the event of a candidate NOT attending their elections, their nomination must be received by the SM at least 48hrs before the meeting their election is due to take place in. The SM must then request written questions from the membership to be submitted 24hrs before the election. Answers to questions will be read out at the election.
# At an election the constitutional role of the officer being elected shall be read out and the nominee must accept that role to continue the election.
== Constitutional Amendments ==
== Constitutional Amendments ==
# The constitution may be amended at any Station Meeting.
# This constitution may be amended by a two thirds vote at a society general meeting.
# The text of the amendment must be displayed prominently in URY for 48 hours before the meeting at which it is to be discussed. All members should be notified by the Station Manager.
# If amended, the constitution shall be re-ratified by the YUSU Student Activities Officer before coming into effect.
# A two-thirds majority of those voting is required to amend the constitution.
# Any proposed amendment must be notified to the members seven days before the meeting at which it is to be discussed. The proposed constitution must be displayed prominently on the URY notice board.
# Any amendment passed will be handed by the Station Manager to the President of the Students' Union (SU) within seven days of the meeting at which it was passed. If the SU Executive committee refuses to ratify any section of the amendment that section will be declared null and void.
== Finance ==
== Finance ==
# The funds will be banked in the name of York University Students Union
# All the Society’s funds will be lodged with YUSU; all monies should be banked with the YUSU Finance Office.
# The signatories to the accounts will be the Treasurer, the Station Manager and the Assistant Station Manager.
# The treasurer, chairperson and secretary shall automatically be signatories to accounts opened by the society, but this can be altered with the committee’s approval. YUSU must always have an up-to-date signatory list.
# All mandates pertaining to the banked funds of URY will be signed by the Treasurer and either the Station Manager or the Assistant Station Manager.
# Two of these signatories shall be required for each expense claim and for any contract or undertaking, financial or otherwise, on behalf of the society. Signatories may not sign for claims made on their own behalf.
# The financial year will end on the 31st July. At the end of the financial year, the accounts will be audited.
# The society’s own funds accounts shall be available for inspection at any reasonable time by any member of the society on the online membership list, the YUSU Student Activities Officer or Policy & Review Group.
# The Treasurer will be required to keep the accounts in a manner approved by the SU. The accounts will be available for inspection by any member of the SU Executive Committee or URY or other body with good reason to inspect them within a period of 24 hours of such a request being received by the Treasurer.
== Indemnity ==
# The Treasurer will be required to submit a detailed account of the next year's expenditure to the SU Finance Committee within the time specified by the SU Treasurer.
# The Honorary President will be indemnified, out of URY's assets, against losses or liabilities which they may incur in or about the execution of their office or otherwise in relation thereto.
# No funds received by URY for URY operations will be donated to any other cause or organisation.
# Every officer of the society shall be entitled to be indemnified out of the assets of the society against all losses or liability which he or she may sustain or incur in or about the execution of or in relation to his or her office.
# No URY member will claim or receive payment from whatever source, for work performed during the execution of their duties or through use of URY facilities without first having sought the approval of a Station Meeting.
# No officer of the society shall be liable for any loss, damage or misfortune which may happen to or be incurred by the society in the execution of the duties of his or her office in relation thereto.
# Every officer is entitled to be indemnified out of the assets of URY against all losses or liability which they may incur in or about the execution of their post, or otherwise in relation thereto.
# Providing that nothing in this clause shall affect their liability for the consequences of any negligent act on their part.
# All officers are, however, liable for the consequences, financial or otherwise, arising from any negligent act, or any act outside their duties, as defined by the constitution and Station Meetings.
== Broadcasting Policy ==
# Any officer can make a request for broadcasting to cease to the following people, and it must be confirmed by them:
#* Station Manager
#* Assistant Station Manager
#* Honorary President
Broadcasting may recommence when the person who initiated the cessation gives their consent, and has consulted the above.
# A decision to deny the use of URY facilities to any member may be made at a Station Meeting. That person must be informed when such a motion is to be discussed, and invited to the relevant meeting. The Station Manager, Assistant Station Manager, Programme Controller and Assistant Programme Controller may deny the use of facilities temporarily until the next station meeting.
# Presenters may not express racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive sentiments while on air.
# All advertisements broadcast by URY will comply with the “Code of Advertising Standards and Practice”, published by the Ofcom.
# No advertisement broadcast by URY may be racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise offensive.
# All presenters must sign Presenter's Contracts before going on air
# Presenters must log themselves and guests into SiS and sign the advertisement schedule (if applicable) each show. Failure to do so will result in a warning from the Program Controller. After 3 warnings the Programme Controller will remove that show from the schedule for the remainder of that term at his discretion.
# The News Team will be entitled to at least a minute daily news programme and a 60 minute weekly news programme, to be scheduled jointly by the Programming and News teams. In the event of a breach of broadcast policy the shows may be suspended by the programme controller.
# The Music Team will be entitled to at least a minute weekly music programme, to be scheduled jointly by the Programming and Music teams. In the event of a breach of broadcast policy the show may be suspended by the Programme Controller.
# The Speech Team will be entitled to at least a minute weekly speech programme, to be scheduled jointly by the Programming and Speech teams. In the event of a breach of broadcast policy the shows may be suspended by the Programme Controller.
== Logging of Output ==
# All broadcast output, including sustaining services, must be logged in accordance with the Ofcom guidelines.
# The Programme Controller and Chief Engineer must separately check, weekly during term time and monthly during the holidays, that both audio loggers are working.
# An authorised officer must check that both audio loggers are working after doing work in the TX cupboard. Authorised officers are those in the Computing and Engineering teams.
== Lending of Equipment ==
# Equipment may be leant out for non-URY use, and URY facilities may be used for non-URY purposes at the discretion of the Station Manager, Assistant Station Manager or Chief Engineer, with the permission of the latter. URY reserves the right to refuse to lending of equipment or use of facilities.
# A nominal charge may be made for this service, made on a case-by-case basis.
# All borrowed equipment is to be returned as soon as possible.
# Any damaged or faulty equipment must be taken to the Chief Engineer, and repair costs may be applicable to those that have borrowed the equipment.
# All music owned by URY is not for the personal use of URY members, and all laws and statutes relating to the copying and distribution of said music must be obeyed.
== Provision of DJ Services ==
# Requests received to URY for the provision of DJs can be accepted at the discretion of the Station Manager, Assistant Station Manager with consultation of Head of Music and Chief Engineer.
# Guide pricing for colleges and societies are as follows:
# £50 per night (regardless of quantity of DJs used)
# Management can exempt the fee at their discretion i.e. for YUSU, or other large campus events.
== Appendix A: Voting Methods ==
=== Simple Majority Voting ===
# The chair will ask those in favour of the motion under discussion to indicate the same, either by raising a hand or by marking a secret ballot, at the chair's discretion.
# The chair will then ask those against the motion to indicate the same by the same method.
# Each member present may vote only once. The chair may not vote.
# Absentee voting will be allowed (except in elections), provided that the vote is handed to the chair in a sealed envelope, and is opened after the votes of those present have been counted.
# The motion will be carried if the number of votes in favour of the motion exceeds the number of votes against.
# In the case of a tie, the chair has the casting vote.
# Votes of no confidence in officers must be held by secret ballot.
=== Alternative Voting Method ===
# This voting method is applicable only to elections where more than one candidate is standing.
# “Candidate”, will be defined as any member or group of members standing jointly; the vote to Reopen Nominations (RON) will also be treated as a candidate.
# A list of candidates will be displayed to the meeting.
# Each member present, with the exception of the returning officer, will receive a ballot paper upon which they will indicate their first preference.
# The ballot papers will be collected and counted.
# If any candidate has won greater than half the number of votes cast, he/she will be elected.
# If no candidate has won greater than half the number of votes cast, the candidate with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated, and the election will be repeated for the remaining candidates. This procedure will be repeated until a candidate has won greater than half the number of votes cast, at which point they will be elected. N.B. RON will be treated exactly as any other candidate.
# In the event of RON being elected, another election for the post in question will be called for the next Station Meeting.
# If the election is to fill two, or more, identical posts, the election will proceed as above until one of the candidates is elected. The election will continue with all remaining candidates standing until a second candidate has won greater than half the number of votes cast. The election will continue in this manner until all posts have been filled or all candidates have been elected or discarded.
== Appendix B: Advisory Committee ==
# The purpose of the advisory committee will be to advise the Station Meeting on a particular issue.
# The membership and the size of the membership of the advisory committee will be at the discretion of the Station Meeting and will contain members of the relevant teams plus other members of URY that wish to be involved. Where necessary voting will take place using AVM for the members of the teams and then for other members.
# The advisory committee will then select a chair. This should be a head of team from one of the relevant teams or an officer from one of the relevant teams but may be passed on to any member of the advisory committee.
# The quorum of the meeting will be four.
# Meetings of the advisory committee will be called by the chair.
# Meeting procedure will be at the discretion of the chair.
# The committee shall report to the station Meeting and seek its approval before any of its proposals are acted upon.
== Appendix C: Presenters Contract ==
# [Copy of Presenters Contract available from Programme Controller]
<nowiki>[[</nowiki>See the [[Contract]] here<nowiki>]]</nowiki>

Revision as of 20:32, 19 November 2013

This is the constitution of the University Radio York society. Any errors in the transcription should be reported to the last editor.


  1. The name of the organisation will be University Radio York, hereafter referred to as its abbreviation, URY.
  2. The Station is used to refer to the URY’s studio building in Vanbrugh College.
  3. YUSU and “the union” are used to refer to The University of York Students’ Union (YUSU)
  4. YUM is used to refer to York University Media, as outlined in the YUSU Constitution and Media Charter.
  5. Computing Service or Computing Services refers to one or more aspects of URY’s computing software and equipment.
  6. The University of York shall hereby be referred to as “the University”.
  7. Policy & Review Group is as defined in the Bye-laws of YUSU.


  1. A society shall be recognised by YUSU, provided that a constitution, code of practice, an equipment list, risk assessment and up-to-date membership list are provided.
  2. The trustee board will begin the re-ratification process in the summer term for the following academic year.
  3. Societies who have not requested to be re-ratified by week 10 of the summer term are considered no longer in existence.
  4. Every member of the society agrees to abide by the YUSU byelaws, the YUSU constitution and the society's own code of conduct. The society remains responsible for the actions of its members in the course of their society duties.
  5. YUSU retains the right to suspend or refuse recognition to any club or society that contravenes the standard society constitution, the YUSU constitution, or the YUSU byelaws.


  1. Membership shall be open to any member of the University, and any associate member, as defined in the union’s constitution.
  2. Membership may be offered to people who are not connected with the University but they may not hold office in the society.
  3. Only members of the union may be signatories.
  4. The cost of Membership shall be £7 for all members.
  5. URY may choose at a Station Meeting to have non-fee paying Honorary members. The Honorary membership will last as long as the Station Meeting decides but shall not be shorter that the remainder of the academic year in which the Honorary membership is conferred.
  6. The Honorary President shall be an ex-officio Honorary Member.
  7. All members must sign a declaration on joining URY, stating that they have never been, nor have any intention of being, involved in pirate radio.

Honorary President

  1. URY will appoint an Honorary President, who must be a member of the University's staff.
  2. The appointment of an Honorary President will be approved at a URY Station Meeting, in consultation with the University authorities.
  3. The Honorary President will hold URY's license, and should satisfy themselves that the requirements of the license are being adhered to.


Officer Duties

  1. Officers are responsible to the members of the society.
  2. Three committee officers must be signatories of the society.
  3. No committee officer shall serve for more than 12 months without re-election.
  4. An officer is subject to a vote of NO CONFIDENCE by a meeting of the society.
  5. An officer may resign at any time by written notification to the Station Manager. The resignation will be immediately announced and nominations open for election. The election must not occur until 7 days after the announcement was made.
  6. All Heads of Teams have the following duties:
    1. To coordinate other members of their team.
    2. To promote the team and its activities to current and potential members.
    3. To perform the duties of other Officers within their team if the position is vacant.
  7. All Assistant Heads of Teams have the following duties:
    1. To perform duties within their respective Head of Team’s remit under the direction of the Head of Team.
    2. To act as Head of Team in absence of an elected Head of Team.
  8. All Officers within a Team must attend Team meetings, organised at least three times a term by the relevant Head of Team.
  9. Each Officer position may be held by only one person, with the exception of Assistant Station Manager, for which two people may jointly stand, and Assistant Heads of Teams, for which there are two positions open to one person each.
    1. If one member in a jointly-held position steps down, the other member must also stand down.
  10. In addition to the responsibilities listed above, each Officer position has additional duties as outlined in the following sections.

Management Team

Station Manager

  1. Shall act as the Head of Team for the Management Team.
  2. Co-ordinate and lead all URY Teams, campaigns, activities and events.
  3. Chair Station Meetings, EGMs and the AGM.
  4. Implement and develop URY’s long term strategic planning processes.
  5. Implement and enforce URY’s Constitution and Policy.
  6. Produce weekly relevant information to appear in the studio and mailing list.
  7. Ensure the Honorary President holds all necessary licenses for URY to operate and that these licenses are paid and adhered to.
  8. Co-ordinate entries to all relevant student media awards.

Assistant Station Manager

  1. This position may only be held by a member who is already an Officer, who will act as Assistant Station Manager alongside their other duties.
  2. Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Management Team.
  3. Act as the Health and Safety Officer for URY.
  4. Review and update URY’s Health and Safety documentation on an annual basis.
  5. Ensures YUSU are informed of any procedures that require their involvement.
  6. Ensures all members follow URY’s Code of Practice.


  1. Management of accounts and finances in accordance to Section 12 (Finance) of this constitution.
  2. Liaison inside and outside the University on all financial matters.


  1. Taking and publishing minutes of all Station Meetings and Officer Reports.
  2. Maintenance of the Station office, including stationary levels.
  3. Replying to miscellaneous correspondence.

Presenting Team

Programme Controller

  1. Shall act as the Head of Team for the Presenting Team.
  2. Responsible for co-ordination of all presenters.
  3. Responsible for leading scheduling of Programming and ensuring the quality of Programmes.
  4. Responsible for ensuring and verifying the logging of all output.
  5. Responsible for ensuring presenter contracts are adhered to.

Training Coordinator

  1. Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Presenting Team.
  2. Responsible for co-ordinating training of new presenters and ensuring their continued competence and good practice.

News Team

Head of News and Sport

  1. Shall act as the Head of Team for the News Team.
  2. Coordinate all official campus, local, national and international news, sport, political and current affairs programming.
  3. Manage the production of official URY news output both on-air and online, including the weekly URY Newshour.
  4. Responsible for the upkeep of Studio 2 in cooperation with the Head of Speech and all URY News OB/Studio equipment.
  5. Responsible for covering YUSU Meetings.

News Editor

  1. Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the News Team.
  2. Coordinate news reporters.
  3. Organise cover and arrange content for URY’s daily and hourly bulletins.

Sports Editor

  1. Produce weekly sport content for the URY Newshour.
  2. Coordinate sport reporters.
  3. Collate campus sport scores for the URY Website and programmes.

News Reporter (News and Sport)

  1. Responsible to URY news and sport editor(s) and the head of news.
  2. Should attend the weekly news meeting.
  3. Should actively look for campus news and sports stories for the wider agenda.
  4. Multiple instances of this officership can be created.

Music Team

Head of Music

  1. Shall act as the Head of Team for the Music Team.
  2. Acquisition and purchase of musical material and equipment for URY’s use.
  3. Liaison with record companies and promoters.
  4. Organise presenters for weekly music team shows.
  5. Assist the Programme Controller with the scheduling of Specialist Music shows.
  6. Compile the weekly URY Playlist and Recommended Listening playlist and ensuring distribution to all presenters.

Assistant Head of Music

  1. Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Music Team.

Sessions Manager

  1. Organise and produce the weekly URY Sessions Show.
  2. Record, upload and maintain an archive of URY live sessions on the URY Music Soundcloud and other locations as determined by the Head of Music.

Interviews Manager

  1. Organise and assist with interviews.
  2. Record upload and maintain an archive of URY interviews on the URY Music Soundcloud and other locations as determined by the Head of Music.


  1. Catalogue and maintain music material in the URY Central Database.
  2. Catalogue and maintain the URY Vinyl and CD libraries.
  3. Develop and implement storage procedures for the URY Vinyl and CD libraries.

Chart Supremo

  1. Prepare, produce and present the weekly URY Chart Show.
  2. Compile and distribute the weekly URY Chart Return sheets, both internally and externally.

Speech Team

Head of Speech

  1. Shall act as the Head of Team for the Speech Team.
  2. Manage the production of official URY speech output both on-air and online, including the weekly URY Speech programme.
  3. Responsible for the upkeep of Studio 2 in cooperation with the Head of News and Sport.

Assistant Head of Speech

  1. Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Speech Team.

Cinema and Theatre Liaison

  1. Liaise with local cinemas and theatres to obtain information about press showings and other information such as competitions.
  2. Ensure cinema and theatre contact details are up to date.
  3. Organise cinema and theatre reviews.

Documentaries and Features Editor

  1. Manage the production of official URY speech documentaries and other factual output both on-air and online, in association with the Head of Speech.

Speech Officer

  1. Duties given at the discretion of any of the members of the speech team detailed above.
  2. Multiple instances of this officership can be created.

Events Team

Head of Events

  1. Shall act as the Head of Team for the Events Team.
  2. Responsible for organising events, including liaison with YUSU Health and Safety, completion of Event Management Forms and provision of electricity and network access.
  3. Responsible for the on-air and online content output of URY throughout special events campus-based or otherwise.
  4. Co-ordination of all non-broadcast live events including gigs, club nights, DJ Sessions.
  5. Liaison with Station Management and all other relevant Officers regarding every event.
  6. Ensure that event financial planning is comprehensive, adequate and cleared by Station Management.

Assistant Head of Events

  1. Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Events Team.

Production Team

Head of Production

  1. Shall act as the Head of Team for the Production Team.
  2. Produce and acquire all jingles, beds, idents, adverts and audio promotional material.
  3. Provide assistance for presenters producing material for their shows.
  4. Provide radio edits of tracks as requested by the Presenting and Music Teams.
  5. Organisation and maintenance of production CDs and resources on URY’s computer system.

Assistant Head of Production

  1. Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Production Team.

Computing Team

Head of Computing

  1. Shall act as the Head of Team for the Computing Team.
  2. Work with the YUSU Data Protection Officer to ensure all information is stored appropriately.
  3. Ensure the privacy of all users and their data.
  4. Ensure that URY’s output or other IT Services systems are not unduly disrupted by a URY run Computing Service.
  5. Ensure the security of URY’s Computing Services, including the encryption of all sensitive information (e.g. passwords).
  6. Manage and issue credentials and privileges with the URY Computing Services.
  7. Ensure the use of any Computer privileges delegated to any member are used only for the purposes in which they were granted, including revoking such privileges if they are abused. Any such revocation will be done with the consent of the Management Team and reviewed at the next Station meeting.
  8. Liaise with IT Services on the maintenance and development of Computing Services, including ensuring the continued provision of URY’s external network connectivity.
  9. Liaise with Heads of Teams and other Officers to ensure Computing Services are used in their intended and optimal fashion, and to ensure Computing Services develop to continue to satisfy URY’s requirements.
  10. Manage and ensure the continued service of URY’s Webcast output.
  11. Delegate privileges on Computing Services to other members of URY, YUSU or IT Services, with consent from the Management Team.
  12. Shall have full, unrestricted access to all Computing Services for the purpose of ensuring their continued service and development, including the `root` password for all servers.
  13. Work with the Chief Engineer to prepare and develop Disaster Recovery plans to enable continued operation or to restore operation as quickly as possible in the event of an emergency, including the loss of the Head of Computing and associated privileges to the Computing Services.

Assistant Head of Computing

  1. Act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Computing Team.


  1. Maintain the URY front-end website (ury.org.uk), including any browser-based online Computing Service and any alternate formats (e.g. mobile/print).
  2. Evolve and develop the URY website alongside the Management and Marketing Teams.

Computing Officer

  1. Multiple instances of this officership can be created, each with a specialist role within the team's remit.
  2. These roles are decided upon by the head of team as required.

Engineering Team

Chief Engineer

  1. Shall act as the Head of Team for the Engineering Team.
  2. Maintenance, development and procurement of URY’s broadcast equipment, including the transmitter and aerial mast.
  3. Upkeep of URY’s fixtures and fittings.
  4. Ensure Outside Broadcasts and other events have sufficient technical assistance.
  5. Ensure URY equipment has passed necessary safety tests (e.g. PAT testing).
  6. Work with the Head of Computing to prepare and develop Disaster Recovery plans to enable continued operation or to restore operation as quickly as possible in the event of an emergency, including the loss of the Chief Engineer, station or broadcast equipment.

Assistant Chief Engineer

  1. Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Engineering Team.

Engineering Officer

  1. Assists Chief Engineer and Assistant Chief Engineer on Outside Broadcasts and other engineering projects as directed.
  2. Multiple instances of this officership can be created.

Marketing Team

Head of Marketing

  1. Shall act as the Head of Team for the Marketing Team.
  2. Manage external representation of URY.
  3. Acquire on-air and off-air sponsorship/advertising in agreement with the Management Team.
  4. Produce, verify and distribute URY publicity.
  5. Promote URY to its listeners and enhance URY’s presence within the University.
  6. Co-ordinate promotions and competitions, including warm-up shows for the weekly YUSU Club Nights.

Assistant Head of Marketing

  1. Shall act as the Assistant Head of Team for the Marketing Team.

Digital Content Manager

  1. Negotiate, upload and maintain URY’s online content including, but not limited to URY Player, photos and videos to assist with on-air programming.
  2. Develop and maintain consistent use of social media to extent the online presence of URY.
  3. Co-ordinate with the Management and Presenting Teams to ensure a fair online representation of URY.

Other Officers

Social Secretary

  1. Organise and publicise regular URY socials to all members in accordance to YUSU guidelines.

Officer without Portfolio

  1. Shall not be a member of any team.
  2. Assists any team under the direction of Heads of Teams and the Management Team.
  3. Shall polish the URY plaque.

Code of Practice

  1. A member must not participate in or omit to mention anything which might cause injury/damage to themselves or others.
  2. All members must adhere to the health and safety rules and procedures of YUSU, the society and the University.
  3. No members should attend workshops, activities and meetings under the influence of drink and/or drugs.
  4. No member should undertake any action that may bring the reputation of the society, YUSU or the University into disrepute.
  5. Respect the different viewpoints of the society members if different from your own.
  6. Respect the property of the university, YUSU, the society, University students and society members.
  7. All members should have access to the contact details of the whole committee.
  8. The Committee shall oversee health and safety, coordinate safety checks and PAT test electrical goods owned by the society.
  9. Participant selection for society activities should be objective.
  10. Keep all records of the society up to date such as membership lists and contact details.
  11. Socials (and the activities within) are opt-in only and shall have no bearing on any status within the society, and/or society elections.
  12. Drinking should not be the theme of the social and members should be able to take part in all activities whether drinking alcohol or not.
  13. Members of YUSU will not apply what may be perceived as peer pressure upon individuals in any social situation.
  14. Breaches of this code of practise may result in a disciplinary hearing carried out by the Student Activities Officer.

Broadcasting Policy

  1. Any officer can make a request for broadcasting to cease to the following people, and it must be confirmed by them:
    1. Station Manager
    2. Assistant Station Manager
    3. Honorary President
  2. Broadcasting may recommence when the person who initiated the cessation gives their consent and has consulted the above.
  3. A decision to deny the use of URY facilities to any member may be made at a Station Meeting. That person must be informed when such a motion is to be discussed and invited to the relevant meeting. The Station Manager, Assistant Station Manager, Programme Controller and Training Coordinator may deny the use of facilities temporarily until the next Station Meeting.
  4. A member may appeal any decision made to the YUSU Student Activities Officer.
  5. All broadcasting will comply with the relevant standards and practices published by Ofcom and other relevant licencing and standards bodies.
  6. All presenters must sign a copy of the Presenter Contract before going on air.
  7. A list of all persons who were on air at any time, including guests must be maintained.
  8. The News Team are entitled to at least a two-minute hourly news programme and a 60 minute weekly news programme, to be scheduled jointly by the Presenting and News Teams.
  9. The Music Team are entitled to at least a 60 minute weekly music programme, to be scheduled jointly by the Presenting and Music teams.
  10. The Speech Team are entitled to at least a 60 minute weekly speech programme, to be scheduled jointly by the Presenting and Speech Teams.
  11. All broadcast output, including sustaining services, must be logged in accordance with the Ofcom guidelines.
  12. The Head of Computing and Chief Engineer must separately check, that both audio loggers are working on a weekly basis whilst URY is broadcasting.
  13. An officer of the Computing or Engineering Teams must confirm that both audio loggers are working after any work in their vicinity.

Lending & Services

  1. Equipment or facilities may be leant out for non-URY purposes at the discretion of a Station Meeting, with the permission of the Chief Engineer. URY reserves the right to refuse lending.
    1. A nominal charge may be made for this service on a case-by-case-basis.
    2. All borrowed equipment is to be returned as soon as possible. Damaged or faulty equipment must be taken to the Chief Engineer and repair costs will be applicable to those that have borrowed the equipment.
  2. All music in the URY Central Database and CD and Vinyl Stores are not for the personal use of any URY member or any body other than URY. All relevant copyright and distribution laws must be adhered to.
  3. Requests received by URY for the provision of DJ services can be accepted at the discretion of a Station Meeting.
    1. Guide pricing is £50 per night regardless of the quantity of DJs.
    2. YUSU or other large campus events may have this fee waived at the discretion of a Station Meeting.


  1. Societies can hold committee meetings, general meetings, AGMs (Annual General Meetings) and EGMs (Extraordinary General Meetings).
  2. All meetings are open and must be advertised to all members. A motion may be passed to exclude non-members of URY.
  3. EGMs shall be advertised to the society members and the YUSU Student Activities Officer seven working days before the meeting.
  4. Motions must be passed by a simple majority of those present and voting.
  5. The quorum for all meetings shall be 10% of the membership of the society.
  6. If quoracy cannot be met at a society general meeting, called in accordance with its constitution, Policy & Review Group can ratify the decisions taken.
  7. Abstentions shall count towards quoracy but shall not count for or against.

Station Meetings

  1. URY shall hold a Station Meeting, which incorporates both a committee and general meeting on a weekly basis during term time.
  2. Station Meetings may be chaired by any Officer at the discretion of the Station Manager.
  3. The agenda of Station Meetings will be decided by the chair, but must include ratification of the previous minutes, Head of Team reports and Any Other Business.

Debate Motions

During debate, the following calls from the floor are allowed:

  1. Challenge to the quorum. This will result in an immediate count of those present, and the meeting will be closed if inquorate.
  2. Challenge to the chair. This will result in the challenger being asked to put their reasons to the meeting. The chair may reply to the challenge. The meeting will then reach a decision by means of a SMV. If the challenge is upheld, the chair is passed to the successor as defined in Order of Succession below, for the remainder of the meeting or until such time as a subsequent challenge to the chair is upheld.
  3. Move to a bar. This will result in a vote being held on whether or not to move to a bar, the vote being a SMV. If the motion is passed the meeting will be adjourned while all members proceed to the nearest college bar with instructions to purchase one pint (or appropriate legal measure) of any liquid provided by the licensee for consumption on or off the premises. The meeting will recommence when 75% of those who have proceeded to the bar have returned, subject to a quorum count.

Order of Succession

The order of officer succession at Station Meetings is as follows:

  1. Station Manager
  2. Assistant Station Manager
  3. Programme Controller
  4. Training Coordinator
  5. Head of News
  6. Head of Music
  7. Head of Speech
  8. Head of Marketing
  9. Head of Production
  10. Chief Engineer
  11. Head of Computing
  12. Head of Events
  13. Assistant Head of News
  14. Assistant Head of Music
  15. Assistant Head of Speech
  16. Assistant Head of Marketing
  17. Treasurer

Elections & AGM

  1. An AGM of the society will take place at least once in every 12 month period, in which every Officer position is re-elected, with the exception of Assistant Station Manager which is elected at the subsequent Station Meeting.
  2. This meeting shall be called by the Station Manager and be advertised to all members of the society and the YUSU Student Activities Officer with at least seven working days’ notice.
  3. All members should be made aware of their ability to stand for election and vote.
  4. Non-members and non-students’ union members shall not be permitted to vote or stand for election.
  5. Election rules require candidates to leave the room and a choice of either STV or simple majority voting.
  6. The YUSU Student Activities Officer can call a general meeting of any society, at which elections can be held, with significant cause to do so.
  7. An election may be held at any Station Meeting. Nominations must reach the Station Manager in writing 48 hours before the start of the meeting at which the election is to take place.
  8. Each candidate must be nominated and seconded in their nomination. All URY members except the returning officer may propose or second any one candidate for each post.
  9. Absentee voting in elections will not be permitted.
  10. At the Station Meeting following an AGM, any position which remains vacant may be temporarily delegated to any other Officer until such a time that the position is filled.
    1. It must be clear to all members that the Officer position is still available.

Constitutional Amendments

  1. This constitution may be amended by a two thirds vote at a society general meeting.
  2. If amended, the constitution shall be re-ratified by the YUSU Student Activities Officer before coming into effect.
  3. Any proposed amendment must be notified to the members seven days before the meeting at which it is to be discussed. The proposed constitution must be displayed prominently on the URY notice board.


  1. All the Society’s funds will be lodged with YUSU; all monies should be banked with the YUSU Finance Office.
  2. The treasurer, chairperson and secretary shall automatically be signatories to accounts opened by the society, but this can be altered with the committee’s approval. YUSU must always have an up-to-date signatory list.
  3. Two of these signatories shall be required for each expense claim and for any contract or undertaking, financial or otherwise, on behalf of the society. Signatories may not sign for claims made on their own behalf.
  4. The society’s own funds accounts shall be available for inspection at any reasonable time by any member of the society on the online membership list, the YUSU Student Activities Officer or Policy & Review Group.


  1. The Honorary President will be indemnified, out of URY's assets, against losses or liabilities which they may incur in or about the execution of their office or otherwise in relation thereto.
  2. Every officer of the society shall be entitled to be indemnified out of the assets of the society against all losses or liability which he or she may sustain or incur in or about the execution of or in relation to his or her office.
  3. No officer of the society shall be liable for any loss, damage or misfortune which may happen to or be incurred by the society in the execution of the duties of his or her office in relation thereto.
  4. Providing that nothing in this clause shall affect their liability for the consequences of any negligent act on their part.