11 Results

((ury)) Breakfast with Dave Williams
A freshly-ground, aromatic blend of current affairs and the music YOU want, sprinkled with "intriguing" trivia. A full-bodied start to your morning!
URY Breakfast with Dave Williams: Series VII
An aromatic and refined blend of current affairs, motivational music, and intriguing trivia to get you ticking over of a morning. Lend me your ears...
Now THAT's what I call a Radio Show!
A lads chatter show interspersed with music, trivial issues and features including "Geordie Chores" "Drunken tales" and call-in competitions.
"Holy Radio Show, Batman!"
An all-round radio show playing music ranging from old classics to the new and upcoming. Join us as we chat all things trivial, with a dash of humour along the way! (Remember... The Pogues are for life, not just for Christmas)

Everything that's hip-hop 'n' happenin'. Except not just hip-hop and also probably not happenin'. Music of the 'alternative' variety.

URY Brunch: Brunch A Do About Nothing

Join Reece, Sophy & Zak for the best music, games and mindless chatter on URY! Expect the return of popular features such as Trivial Trivial Pursuit, Ice in the Booth and the most appropriate song game.

Forenoon Fire Up!

Does your morning leave you feeling frazzled? Does it feel more like a Fried-day?

Now back on with the best of my recommendations and the worst of my on-air radio voice (because yes, I'm just as fried as you are).




Green after dark

Good music, fun facts about how it came about and humorous chat

Chai With Y

The University of York is home to more than 18,000 students from over 150 countries. Each student has their own story to share, their experiences from back home and here at York as well and wouldn't it be interesting to have a platform for students to share these experiences about themselves along with playing some of their favorite songs? In India (where I come from), we discuss a range of matters, be it trivial, personal, or anything out of the ordinary over a cup of tea (or "CHAI", as we call it back home). 

If you would love to share your story and experiences over the radio for the listeners, "Chai With Y!" is the place to be at! One hour of getting to know the real you over a hot, piping cup of chai, along with some fantastic music!

Side Quest

Greetings travellers, welcome to Side Quest! Each episode, join Harrie, Owen and Melissa as they navigate their way through a jumble of songs and questions centered around the theme of the week. 

Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree

The Christmas special of Rockin' All Over the World!

Tune in as Lottie, Rosie and Alex play their favourite songs from the North Pole, with some festive trivia and chats about their Christmas traditions.