8 Results

An hour of completely chilled out tunes to help escape from the everyday stress of student life. A compilation of the best acoustic tunes and relaxed songs around.
Off the Halls
A musical feast to escape from the mainstream
URY Presents: Jailbreak!

Join URY for 30 continuous hours as we follow the Grumpy Youngish Men and the rest of University of York's Jailbreak teams whilst they escape from campus to raise money for Kidscan. How far will they get?! We'll be getting live updates from the teams, tracking their progress and keeping you entertained along the way. 

URY Brunch: Tales of the Phantasmagoria: The Final Tale

 A strange of show of tales and twists and for the final ever show there is the biggest twist of them all, for Alex has escaped and taken over from the Gatekeeper, will the Gatekeeper ever take back control, will Alex enjoy the power, and who will feed Nibbles the cat?

Half Asleep

An hour of music where we try to remain conscious and escape a feeling of absolute boredom, held together simply by the suggestion of thematic consistency. Volume ranges from questionably high to regulation low and somehow sustains this throughout the hour.

Keoni's Cave

Someone's kidnapped Keoni, locked him in the cave of URY, and has forced him to play music and do stuff to appease his captor(s). How will Keoni escape this week?

Escape from physics

My entry to help the 24hr show, It's going to be me, Freddie Carlisle, relaxing and regaining sanity after handing in all my Physics work for this term. We'll talk about Physics, random articles and Anything that I can be bothered to plan.


Join us for a chill chat session - we'll be talking about our experiences entering young adult life as well as playing some songs that we've recently been having on repeat - tune in if you need to escape for a while for some advice, real talk and discovering something new to add to your playlist.