URY On Tap: Listen Again

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URY Breakfast - The Duvet Lifters Logo
Duration: 2 Hours

URY Breakfast - The Duvet Lifters

Thursday, 16 Nov 2006 - 09:00


This is the show to get you out from under that duvet. Packed with the finest blend of rare and not-so-rare music beans. Years of meticulous development have resulted in a show with the sole aim of easing human life back to the vertical. With his encyclopedic knowledge of swathes of artists, and his penchant for all things Bushy, Hugh provides the main musical drive. His quirky tracks, mixed in with more conventional fayre, are bound to excite the ears. James will make sure Morrissey and Goldfrapp get their airtime. With its easy going chatter and continual references to mugs of coffee, listeners will be reaching for the kettle before they know it.




No tracklisting currently available.